Detrend Data

NI System Identification

Detrend Data

Removes mean and linear steady-state trends from stimulus and response signals.

Stimulus SignalsDisplays the stimulus signal before and after the detrending process.
Response SignalsDisplays the response signal before and after the detrending process.
Input SignalsContains the following options:
  • Stimulus signal—Specifies the stimulus input to apply to the model.
  • Response signal—Specifies the output response from the model.
Detrend SettingsContains the following options:
  • Trend type—Specifies the method this step uses to remove steady-state trends from the stimulus and response signals. You can select one of the following trend types:
    • mean (default)
    • linear
  • Define trend breakpoints—Specifies whether this step uses piecewise points for detrending. Use the array to define the location in the signal where you want a piecewise point to begin.