Model Simulation

NI System Identification

Model Simulation

Simulates the system response by stimulating the system identified model. Use this step to determine if the response the model calculates is intuitively correct and accurate given the estimation data.

Model InputDisplays the input stimulus signal the step uses for simulation.
Model OutputDisplays the simulated model output.
InputsContains the following options:
  • Model—Specifies the model to use for simulation.
  • Stimulus Signal—Specifies the stimulus input to apply to the model.
NoiseContains the following option:
  • Add Noise—Adds noise to the system for simulating the model. Contains the following options:
    • Noise Type—Specifies the type of noise you want to generate. You can select one of the following noise types:
      • Uniform White (default)
      • Gaussian White
      • Periodic Random
    • Amplitude—Specifies the maximum absolute value that the noise signal can have. The default is 4.0.
    • Seed—Resets the noise sample generator seed when the seed is less than zero. The default is 0.