
NI-SWITCH Functions


IviSwtchScanner Capability Group

C Function Prototype

ViStatus niSwitch_ConfigureScanTrigger (ViSession vi, ViReal64 scanDelay, ViInt32 triggerInput, ViInt32 scanAdvancedOutput);


Configures the scan triggers for the scan list established with niSwitch_ConfigureScanList.

Refer to Devices to determine if the switch module supports scanning.

niSwitch_ConfigureScanTrigger sets the location that the switch expects to receive an input trigger to advance through the scan list. This function also sets the location where it outputs a scan advanced signal after it completes an entry in the scan list.


Name Type Description
vi ViSession A particular NI-SWITCH session established with niSwitch_InitWithTopology, niSwitch_InitWithOptions, or niSwitch_init and used for all subsequent NI-SWITCH calls.

scanDelay ViReal64 The minimum length of time you want the switch to wait after it creates a path until it asserts a trigger on the scan advanced output line. The driver uses this value to set the NISWITCH_ATTR_SCAN_DELAY attribute. The scan delay is in addition to the settling time. The driver uses this value to set the NISWITCH_ATTR_SCAN_DELAY attribute.

Express this value in seconds. The default value is 0.0 s.
triggerInput ViInt32 Trigger source you want the switch module to use during scanning. The driver uses this value to set the NISWITCH_ATTR_TRIGGER_INPUT attribute. The switch waits for the trigger you specify when it encounters a semicolon in the scan list. When the trigger occurs, the switch advances to the next entry in the scan list. Refer to NISWITCH_ATTR_TRIGGER_INPUT for a list of valid values.

scanAdvancedOutput ViInt32 Output destination of the scan advanced trigger signal. NI-SWITCH uses this value to set the NISWITCH_ATTR_SCAN_ADVANCED_OUTPUT attribute. After the switch processes each entry in the scan list, it waits the length of time you specify in the scanDelay parameter and then asserts a trigger on the line you specify with this parameter. Refer to NISWITCH_ATTR_SCAN_ADVANCED_OUTPUT for a list of valid values.