NI-SWITCH Functions


Specific Attribute

Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
ViBoolean R/W N/A None None


This channel-based attribute specifies whether to reserve the channel for internal path creation. A channel that is available for internal path creation is called a configuration channel. The driver may use configuration channels to create paths between two channels you specify in the niSwitch_Connect function. Configuration channels are not available for external connections.
Set this attribute to VI_TRUE to mark the channel as a configuration channel. Set this attribute to VI_FALSE to mark the channel as available for external connections.
After you identify a channel as a configuration channel, you cannot use that channel for external connections. The niSwitch_Connect function returns the NISWITCH_ERROR_IS_CONFIGURATION_CHANNEL error when you attempt to establish a connection between a configuration channel and any other channel.

Defined Values: