
NI MAX Help for NI-IMAQdx


The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  • Save commits all of the camera configuration parameters and stores the information on the system to which the camera is connected. This button is disabled if none of the parameters have changed.
  • Revert returns all parameters to the values before the last time you clicked Save.
    Note  The Save Changes? dialog box opens if you attempt to close MAX without saving the parameter changes. If you do not save the changes, the camera will not be configured as expected.
  • Snap performs a single-buffer, single-shot acquisition and displays the result in the image viewer.
  • Grab performs a multiple-buffer, continuous acquisition and updates the image viewer. Click Grab again to stop the continuous acquisition.
    Note  Snap and Grab use the latest parameters to perform an acquisition, allowing you to preview parameter changes before saving them to the camera file.
  • Histogram displays a quantitative distribution of the pixels in the most recently acquired image per gray-level value. During a continuous acquisition, the histogram continuously updates.
  • Save Image writes the most recently acquired image to a user-specified location.
  • Show/Hide Help displays/hides the topic and context sensitive help to the right of the image viewer.