Ethernet Attributes Tab
Change ethernet parameters from the Ethernet Attributes tab.
- Resends Enabled determines if resends will be issued for missing packets.
- Max Resends Per Packet is the maximum number of resend requests that will be issued for a missing packet.
- Memory Window Size (KB) is the window size to use for packet processing.
- Resend Threshold Percentage is the threshold of the packet processing window that will trigger packets to be resent. The threshold is expressed as a percentage.
- Missing Packet Timeout (ms) is the time to wait for a missing packet before issuing a resend.
- New Packet Timeout (ms) is the time to wait for new packets to arrive in a partially completed image before assuming the rest of the image was lost.
- Resend Response Timeout (ms) is the time to wait for a resend request to be satisfied before sending another request.
- Resend Timer Resolution (ms) controls the resolution of the packet processing system that is used for all packet-related timeouts.
- Resend Packets Requested is the number of packets that have been requested to be resent in the current acquisition.
- Resend Packets Received is the number of packets that have been requested.
- Lost Packet Count is the number of packets that have been lost in the current acquisition.