
NI-HWS C Function Reference


C Function Prototype

tHWS_Status niHWS_WriteAnalogF64  (tHWS_WfmRef wfmReference, long numSamples, const double* wfmData);


Writes double-precision floating-point analog waveform data into the waveform beginning at the current read/write position.

A write moves the read/write position so that it points to the next sample to be written. Repeated writes to the same waveform concatenate data to that waveform.


Name Type Description
wfmReference tHWS_WfmRef References the waveform. Waveforms are identified by reference for purposes of setting and getting waveform attributes and reading and writing data.
numSamples long The number of samples in wfmData to write to the file.
wfmData const double* The array containing the data for the waveform. It is assumed that this array contains at least the amount of data indicated by the value assigned to numSamples.

Return Value