
NI-HWS C Function Reference


C Function Prototype

tHWS_Status niHWS_GetGroupStringAttribute  (tHWS_FileHandle fileHandle, const char groupName[], tHWS_GroupStringAttributes attributeID, long stringSize, char attributeVal[]);


Retrieves text attributes that apply to all the waveforms within a group.


Name Type Description
fileHandle tHWS_FileHandle Refers to an open HWS file.
groupName const char[] The name of the group. Groups are identified by name for purposes of setting and getting group attributes.

If only one group is in the file, groupName can be NULL or the empty string.

attributeID tHWS_GroupStringAttributes Specifies the attribute to retrieve.

Defined Values

niHWS_Attr_GroupNote—A general purpose text field for any comment that applies to all the waveforms stored in this group.

niHWS_Attr_Technician—A general purpose text field intended for the name of the technician who acquired or generated the waveforms in this group.

niHWS_Attr_Project—A general purpose text field intended for any information about the project for which the waveforms in this group were created.

niHWS_Attr_GroupTimestamp—A string of the form hour:minutes:seconds.fractional seconds followed by AM or PM MM/DD/YYYY. This string is intended to refer to all the waveforms in the group.

stringSize long The number of characters that the string allocated for the attributeVal parameter can hold.

If stringSize is 0 and no error occurs, the actual size of the string attribute, including the end of string termination character, is returned in the status parameter.

attributeVal char[] The current setting of the attribute specified by attributeID.

Return Value