
NI-HWS C Function Reference


C Function Prototype

tHWS_Status niHWS_GetWfmF64Attribute  (tHWS_WfmRef wfmReference, tHWS_WfmF64Attributes attributeID, double* attributeVal);


Retrieves floating point attributes that apply to the waveform specified by wfmReference.


Name Type Description
wfmReference tHWS_WfmRef A reference to the waveform. Waveforms are identified by reference for purposes of setting and getting waveform attributes and reading and writing data.
attributeID tHWS_WfmF64Attributes The waveform attribute to retrieve.

Defined Values

niHWS_Attr_XAxisStart—The X value for the first point in the waveform. The Scope Soft Front Panel stores relativeInitialX in this attribute, for example.

niHWS_Attr_XAxisIncrement—The period between samples in the waveform. The rate of the Sample clock used to capture the waveform is the reciprocal of the x-axis increment.

niHWS_Attr_WaveformSize—A read-only attribute that returns the total number of samples in a waveform.

niHWS_Attr_WfmYAxisMin—The minimum value of the y-axis after applying the scaling coefficients.

niHWS_Attr_WfmYAxisMax—The maximum value of the y-axis after applying the scaling coefficients.

attributeVal double* The current setting of the attribute specified by attributeID parameter.

Return Value