Dual Algorithm
- Reliable (unicast updates every 60sec)
- Unreliable
(unicast updates every 5sec)
K values for Metric Calculations:
K1 = 1 == Bandwidth in kbits
K2 = 0
== Bandwidth in kbits
K3 = 1 == Delay in microseconds
K4 = 0 == Load
===>more load more traffic ===> lower is preffered
K5 = 0 == Reliabilty
===>deals with no. of errors ==> less errors more reliabilty
MTU is a tie-breaker but does not take part in Metric Calculations
Successor Node:
Neighbor connected to Subject Node having lowest
neighbor-path metric.
Feasible Node:(Node having the met feasible condition)
In case of multiple
paths towards the destination route, the neighboring node having a path-metric
lower than the lowest metric in towards destination is considered as feasible