MySqlErrorCode Enumeration

MySQL Connector.Net

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Provides a reference to error codes returned by MySQL.

Namespace: MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Assembly: MySql.Data (in MySql.Data.dll) Version:


public enum MySqlErrorCode
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration MySqlErrorCode
Visual C++
public enum class MySqlErrorCode


Member name Value Description
None 0
HashCheck 1000
ISAMCheck 1001
No 1002
Yes 1003
CannotCreateFile 1004 The file couldn't be created.
CannotCreateTable 1005 The table couldn't be created.
CannotCreateDatabase 1006 The database couldn't be created.
DatabaseCreateExists 1007 The database couldn't be created, it already exists.
DatabaseDropExists 1008 The database couldn't be dropped, it doesn't exist.
DatabaseDropDelete 1009 The database couldn't be dropped, the file can't be deleted.
DatabaseDropRemoveDir 1010 The database couldn't be dropped, the directory can't be deleted.
CannotDeleteFile 1011 The file couldn't be deleted.
CannotFindSystemRecord 1012 The record couldn't be read from the system table.
CannotGetStatus 1013 The status couldn't be retrieved.
CannotGetWorkingDirectory 1014 The working directory couldn't be retrieved.
CannotLock 1015 The file couldn't be locked.
CannotOpenFile 1016 The file couldn't be opened.
FileNotFound 1017 The file couldn't be found.
CannotReadDirectory 1018 The directory couldn't be read.
CannotSetWorkingDirectory 1019 The working directory couldn't be entered.
CheckRead 1020 The record changed since it was last read.
DiskFull 1021 The disk is full.
DuplicateKey 1022 There is already a key with the given values.
ErrorOnClose 1023 An error occurred when closing the file.
ErrorOnRead 1024 An error occurred when reading from the file.
ErrorOnRename 1025 An error occurred when renaming then file.
ErrorOnWrite 1026 An error occurred when writing to the file.
FileUsed 1027 The file is in use.
FileSortAborted 1028 Sorting has been aborted.
FormNotFound 1029 The view doesn't exist.
GetErrorNumber 1030 Got the specified error from the table storage engine.
IllegalHA 1031 The table storage engine doesn't support the specified option.
KeyNotFound 1032 The specified key was not found.
NotFormFile 1033 The file contains incorrect information.
NotKeyFile 1034 The key file is incorrect for the table, it should be repaired.
OldKeyFile 1035 The key file is old for the table, it should be repaired.
OpenAsReadOnly 1036 The table is read-only
OutOfMemory 1037 The server is out of memory, it should be restarted.
OutOfSortMemory 1038 The server is out of sort-memory, the sort buffer size should be increased.
UnexepectedEOF 1039 An unexpected EOF was found when reading from the file.
ConnectionCountError 1040 Too many connections are open.
OutOfResources 1041 The server is out of resources, check if MySql or some other process is using all available memory.
UnableToConnectToHost 1042 Given when the connection is unable to successfully connect to host.
HandshakeError 1043 The handshake was invalid.
DatabaseAccessDenied 1044 Access was denied for the specified user using the specified database.
AccessDenied 1045 Normally returned when an incorrect password is given
NoDatabaseSelected 1046 No database has been selected.
UnknownCommand 1047 The command is unknown.
ColumnCannotBeNull 1048 The specified column cannot be NULL.
UnknownDatabase 1049 The specified database is not known.
TableExists 1050 The specified table already exists.
BadTable 1051 The specified table is unknown.
NonUnique 1052 The specified column is ambiguous.
ServerShutdown 1053 The server is currently being shutdown.
BadFieldError 1054 The specified columns is unknown.
WrongFieldWithGroup 1055 The specified column isn't in GROUP BY.
WrongGroupField 1056 The specified columns cannot be grouped on.
WrongSumSelected 1057 There are sum functions and columns in the same statement.
WrongValueCount 1058 The column count doesn't match the value count.
TooLongIdentifier 1059 The identifier name is too long.
DuplicateFieldName 1060 The column name is duplicated.
DuplicateKeyName 1061 Duplicate Key Name
DuplicateKeyEntry 1062 Duplicate Key Entry
WrongFieldSpecifier 1063 The column specifier is incorrect.
ParseError 1064 An error occurred when parsing the statement.
EmptyQuery 1065 The statement is empty.
NonUniqueTable 1066 The table alias isn't unique.
InvalidDefault 1067 The default value is invalid for the specified field.
MultiplePrimaryKey 1068 The table has multiple primary keys defined.
TooManyKeys 1069 Too many keys were defined for the table.
TooManyKeysParts 1070 Too many parts to the keys were defined for the table.
TooLongKey 1071 The specified key is too long
KeyColumnDoesNotExist 1072 The specified key column doesn't exist in the table.
BlobUsedAsKey 1073 The BLOB column was used as a key, this can't be done.
TooBigFieldLength 1074 The column length is too big for the specified column type.
WrongAutoKey 1075 There can only be one auto-column, and it must be defined as a PK.
Ready 1076 The server is ready to accept connections.
NormalShutdown 1077
GotSignal 1078 The server received the specified signal and is aborting.
ShutdownComplete 1079 The server shutdown is complete.
ForcingClose 1080 The server is forcing close of the specified thread.
IPSocketError 1081 An error occurred when creating the IP socket.
NoSuchIndex 1082 The table has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX.
WrongFieldTerminators 1083 The field separator argument is not what is expected, check the manual.
BlobsAndNoTerminated 1084 The BLOB columns must terminated, fixed row lengths cannot be used.
TextFileNotReadable 1085 The text file cannot be read.
FileExists 1086 The specified file already exists.
LoadInfo 1087 Information returned by the LOAD statement.
AlterInfo 1088 Information returned by an UPDATE statement.
WrongSubKey 1089 The prefix key is incorrect.
CannotRemoveAllFields 1090 All columns cannot be removed from a table, use DROP TABLE instead.
CannotDropFieldOrKey 1091 Cannot DROP, check that the column or key exists.
InsertInfo 1092 Information returned by an INSERT statement.
UpdateTableUsed 1093 The target table cannot be specified for update in FROM clause.
NoSuchThread 1094 The specified thread ID is unknown.
KillDenied 1095 The thread cannot be killed, the current user is not the owner.
NoTablesUsed 1096 No tables used in the statement.
TooBigSet 1097 Too many string have been used for the specified column and SET.
NoUniqueLogFile 1098 A unique filename couldn't be generated.
TableNotLockedForWrite 1099 The specified table was locked with a READ lock, and can't be updated.
TableNotLocked 1100 The specified table was not locked with LOCK TABLES.
BlobCannotHaveDefault 1101 BLOB and Text columns cannot have a default value.
WrongDatabaseName 1102 The specified database name is incorrect.
WrongTableName 1103 The specified table name is incorrect.
TooBigSelect 1104 The SELECT command would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows, check the WHERE clause and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok.
UnknownError 1105 An unknown error occurred.
UnknownProcedure 1106 The specified procedure is unknown.
WrongParameterCountToProcedure 1107 The number of parameters provided for the specified procedure is incorrect.
WrongParametersToProcedure 1108 The parameters provided for the specified procedure are incorrect.
UnknownTable 1109 The specified table is unknown.
FieldSpecifiedTwice 1110 The specified column has been specified twice.
InvalidGroupFunctionUse 1111 The group function has been incorrectly used.
UnsupportedExtenstion 1112 The specified table uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version.
TableMustHaveColumns 1113 The table must have at least one column.
RecordFileFull 1114 The specified table is full.
UnknownCharacterSet 1115 The specified character set is unknown.
TooManyTables 1116 Too many tables, MySQL can only use the specified number of tables in a JOIN.
TooManyFields 1117 Too many columns
TooBigRowSize 1118 The row size is too large, the maximum row size for the used tables (not counting BLOBS) is specified, change some columns or BLOBS.
StackOverrun 1119 A thread stack overrun occurred. Stack statistics are specified.
WrongOuterJoin 1120 A cross dependency was found in the OUTER JOIN, examine the ON conditions.
NullColumnInIndex 1121 The table handler doesn't support NULL in the given index, change specified column to be NOT NULL or use another handler.
CannotFindUDF 1122 The specified user defined function cannot be loaded.
CannotInitializeUDF 1123 The specified user defined function cannot be initialised.
UDFNoPaths 1124 No paths are allowed for the shared library.
UDFExists 1125 The specified user defined function already exists.
CannotOpenLibrary 1126 The specified shared library cannot be opened.
CannotFindDLEntry 1127 The specified symbol cannot be found in the library.
FunctionNotDefined 1128 The specified function is not defined.
HostIsBlocked 1129 The specified host is blocked because of too many connection errors, unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'.
HostNotPrivileged 1130 The given host is not allowed to connect
AnonymousUser 1131 The anonymous user is not allowed to connect
PasswordNotAllowed 1132 The given password is not allowed
PasswordNoMatch 1133 The given password does not match
UpdateInfo 1134 Information returned by an UPDATE statement.
CannotCreateThread 1135 A new thread couldn't be created.
WrongValueCountOnRow 1136 The column count doesn't match the value count.
CannotReopenTable 1137 The specified table can't be re-opened.
InvalidUseOfNull 1138 The NULL value has been used incorrectly.
RegExpError 1139 The regular expression contains an error.
MixOfGroupFunctionAndFields 1140 GROUP columns (MIN(), MAX(), COUNT(), ...) cannot be mixes with no GROUP columns if there is not GROUP BY clause.
NonExistingGrant 1141
TableAccessDenied 1142
ColumnAccessDenied 1143
IllegalGrantForTable 1144
GrantWrongHostOrUser 1145
NoSuchTable 1146
NonExistingTableGrant 1147
NotAllowedCommand 1148
SyntaxError 1149
DelayedCannotChangeLock 1150
TooManyDelayedThreads 1151
AbortingConnection 1152
PacketTooLarge 1153 An attempt was made to send or receive a packet larger than max_allowed_packet_size
NetReadErrorFromPipe 1154
NetFCntlError 1155
NetPacketsOutOfOrder 1156
NetUncompressError 1157
NetReadError 1158
NetReadInterrupted 1159
NetErrorOnWrite 1160
NetWriteInterrupted 1161
TooLongString 1162
TableCannotHandleBlob 1163
TableCannotHandleAutoIncrement 1164
DelayedInsertTableLocked 1165
WrongColumnName 1166
WrongKeyColumn 1167
WrongMergeTable 1168
DuplicateUnique 1169
BlobKeyWithoutLength 1170
PrimaryCannotHaveNull 1171
TooManyRows 1172
RequiresPrimaryKey 1173
NoRAIDCompiled 1174
UpdateWithoutKeysInSafeMode 1175
KeyDoesNotExist 1176
CheckNoSuchTable 1177
CheckNotImplemented 1178
CannotDoThisDuringATransaction 1179
ErrorDuringCommit 1180
ErrorDuringRollback 1181
ErrorDuringFlushLogs 1182
ErrorDuringCheckpoint 1183
NewAbortingConnection 1184
DumpNotImplemented 1185
FlushMasterBinLogClosed 1186
IndexRebuild 1187
MasterError 1188
MasterNetRead 1189
MasterNetWrite 1190
FullTextMatchingKeyNotFound 1191
LockOrActiveTransaction 1192
UnknownSystemVariable 1193
CrashedOnUsage 1194
CrashedOnRepair 1195
WarningNotCompleteRollback 1196
TransactionCacheFull 1197
SlaveMustStop 1198
SlaveNotRunning 1199
BadSlave 1200
MasterInfo 1201
SlaveThread 1202
TooManyUserConnections 1203
SetConstantsOnly 1204
LockWaitTimeout 1205
LockTableFull 1206
ReadOnlyTransaction 1207
DropDatabaseWithReadLock 1208
CreateDatabaseWithReadLock 1209
WrongArguments 1210
NoPermissionToCreateUser 1211
UnionTablesInDifferentDirectory 1212
LockDeadlock 1213
TableCannotHandleFullText 1214
CannotAddForeignConstraint 1215
NoReferencedRow 1216
RowIsReferenced 1217
ConnectToMaster 1218
QueryOnMaster 1219
ErrorWhenExecutingCommand 1220
WrongUsage 1221
WrongNumberOfColumnsInSelect 1222
CannotUpdateWithReadLock 1223
MixingNotAllowed 1224
DuplicateArgument 1225
UserLimitReached 1226
SpecifiedAccessDeniedError 1227
LocalVariableError 1228
GlobalVariableError 1229
NotDefaultError 1230
WrongValueForVariable 1231
WrongTypeForVariable 1232
VariableCannotBeRead 1233
CannotUseOptionHere 1234
NotSupportedYet 1235
MasterFatalErrorReadingBinLog 1236
SlaveIgnoredTable 1237
IncorrectGlobalLocalVariable 1238
WrongForeignKeyDefinition 1239
KeyReferenceDoesNotMatchTableReference 1240
OpearnColumnsError 1241
SubQueryNoOneRow 1242
UnknownStatementHandler 1243
CorruptHelpDatabase 1244
CyclicReference 1245
AutoConvert 1246
IllegalReference 1247
DerivedMustHaveAlias 1248
SelectReduced 1249
TableNameNotAllowedHere 1250
NotSupportedAuthMode 1251
SpatialCannotHaveNull 1252
CollationCharsetMismatch 1253
SlaveWasRunning 1254
SlaveWasNotRunning 1255
TooBigForUncompress 1256
ZipLibMemoryError 1257
ZipLibBufferError 1258
ZipLibDataError 1259
CutValueGroupConcat 1260
WarningTooFewRecords 1261
WarningTooManyRecords 1262
WarningNullToNotNull 1263
WarningDataOutOfRange 1264
WaningDataTruncated 1265
WaningUsingOtherHandler 1266
CannotAggregateTwoCollations 1267
DropUserError 1268
RevokeGrantsError 1269
CannotAggregateThreeCollations 1270
CannotAggregateNCollations 1271
VariableIsNotStructure 1272
UnknownCollation 1273
SlaveIgnoreSSLParameters 1274
ServerIsInSecureAuthMode 1275
WaningFieldResolved 1276
BadSlaveUntilCondition 1277
MissingSkipSlave 1278
ErrorUntilConditionIgnored 1279
WrongNameForIndex 1280
WrongNameForCatalog 1281
WarningQueryCacheResize 1282
BadFullTextColumn 1283
UnknownKeyCache 1284
WarningHostnameWillNotWork 1285
UnknownStorageEngine 1286
WaningDeprecatedSyntax 1287
NonUpdateableTable 1288
FeatureDisabled 1289
OptionPreventsStatement 1290
DuplicatedValueInType 1291
TruncatedWrongValue 1292
TooMuchAutoTimestampColumns 1293
InvalidOnUpdate 1294
UnsupportedPreparedStatement 1295
GetErroMessage 1296
GetTemporaryErrorMessage 1297
UnknownTimeZone 1298
WarningInvalidTimestamp 1299
InvalidCharacterString 1300
WarningAllowedPacketOverflowed 1301
ConflictingDeclarations 1302
StoredProcedureNoRecursiveCreate 1303
StoredProcedureAlreadyExists 1304
StoredProcedureDoesNotExist 1305
StoredProcedureDropFailed 1306
StoredProcedureStoreFailed 1307
StoredProcedureLiLabelMismatch 1308
StoredProcedureLabelRedefine 1309
StoredProcedureLabelMismatch 1310
StoredProcedureUninitializedVariable 1311
StoredProcedureBadSelect 1312
StoredProcedureBadReturn 1313
StoredProcedureBadStatement 1314
UpdateLogDeprecatedIgnored 1315
UpdateLogDeprecatedTranslated 1316
QueryInterrupted 1317
StoredProcedureNumberOfArguments 1318
StoredProcedureConditionMismatch 1319
StoredProcedureNoReturn 1320
StoredProcedureNoReturnEnd 1321
StoredProcedureBadCursorQuery 1322
StoredProcedureBadCursorSelect 1323
StoredProcedureCursorMismatch 1324
StoredProcedureAlreadyOpen 1325
StoredProcedureCursorNotOpen 1326
StoredProcedureUndeclaredVariabel 1327
StoredProcedureWrongNumberOfFetchArguments 1328
StoredProcedureFetchNoData 1329
StoredProcedureDuplicateParameter 1330
StoredProcedureDuplicateVariable 1331
StoredProcedureDuplicateCondition 1332
StoredProcedureDuplicateCursor 1333
StoredProcedureCannotAlter 1334
StoredProcedureSubSelectNYI 1335
StatementNotAllowedInStoredFunctionOrTrigger 1336
StoredProcedureVariableConditionAfterCursorHandler 1337
StoredProcedureCursorAfterHandler 1338
StoredProcedureCaseNotFound 1339
FileParserTooBigFile 1340
FileParserBadHeader 1341
FileParserEOFInComment 1342
FileParserErrorInParameter 1343
FileParserEOFInUnknownParameter 1344
ViewNoExplain 1345
FrmUnknownType 1346
WrongObject 1347
NonUpdateableColumn 1348
ViewSelectDerived 1349
ViewSelectClause 1350
ViewSelectVariable 1351
ViewSelectTempTable 1352
ViewWrongList 1353
WarningViewMerge 1354
WarningViewWithoutKey 1355
ViewInvalid 1356
StoredProcedureNoDropStoredProcedure 1357
StoredProcedureGotoInHandler 1358
TriggerAlreadyExists 1359
TriggerDoesNotExist 1360
TriggerOnViewOrTempTable 1361
TriggerCannotChangeRow 1362
TriggerNoSuchRowInTrigger 1363
NoDefaultForField 1364
DivisionByZero 1365
TruncatedWrongValueForField 1366
IllegalValueForType 1367
ViewNonUpdatableCheck 1368
ViewCheckFailed 1369
PrecedureAccessDenied 1370
RelayLogFail 1371
PasswordLength 1372
UnknownTargetBinLog 1373
IOErrorLogIndexRead 1374
BinLogPurgeProhibited 1375
FSeekFail 1376
BinLogPurgeFatalError 1377
LogInUse 1378
LogPurgeUnknownError 1379
RelayLogInit 1380
NoBinaryLogging 1381
ReservedSyntax 1382
WSAStartupFailed 1383
DifferentGroupsProcedure 1384
NoGroupForProcedure 1385
OrderWithProcedure 1386
LoggingProhibitsChangingOf 1387
NoFileMapping 1388
WrongMagic 1389
PreparedStatementManyParameters 1390
KeyPartZero 1391
ViewChecksum 1392
ViewMultiUpdate 1393
ViewNoInsertFieldList 1394
ViewDeleteMergeView 1395
CannotUser 1396
XAERNotA 1397
XAERInvalid 1398
XAERRemoveFail 1399
XAEROutside 1400
XAERRemoveError 1401
XARBRollback 1402
NonExistingProcedureGrant 1403
ProcedureAutoGrantFail 1404
ProcedureAutoRevokeFail 1405
DataTooLong 1406
StoredProcedureSQLState 1407
StartupError 1408
LoadFromFixedSizeRowsToVariable 1409
CannotCreateUserWithGrant 1410
WrongValueForType 1411
TableDefinitionChanged 1412
StoredProcedureDuplicateHandler 1413
StoredProcedureNotVariableArgument 1414
StoredProcedureNoReturnSet 1415
CannotCreateGeometryObject 1416
FailedRoutineBreaksBinLog 1417
BinLogUnsafeRoutine 1418
BinLogCreateRoutineNeedSuper 1419
ExecuteStatementWithOpenCursor 1420
StatementHasNoOpenCursor 1421
CommitNotAllowedIfStoredFunctionOrTrigger 1422
NoDefaultForViewField 1423
StoredProcedureNoRecursion 1424
TooBigScale 1425
TooBigPrecision 1426
MBiggerThanD 1427
WrongLockOfSystemTable 1428
ConnectToForeignDataSource 1429
QueryOnForeignDataSource 1430
ForeignDataSourceDoesNotExist 1431
ForeignDataStringInvalidCannotCreate 1432
ForeignDataStringInvalid 1433
CannotCreateFederatedTable 1434
TriggerInWrongSchema 1435
StackOverrunNeedMore 1436
TooLongBody 1437
WarningCannotDropDefaultKeyCache 1438
TooBigDisplayWidth 1439
XAERDuplicateID 1440
DateTimeFunctionOverflow 1441
CannotUpdateUsedTableInStoredFunctionOrTrigger 1442
ViewPreventUpdate 1443
PreparedStatementNoRecursion 1444
StoredProcedureCannotSetAutoCommit 1445
MalformedDefiner 1446
ViewFrmNoUser 1447
ViewOtherUser 1448
NoSuchUser 1449
ForbidSchemaChange 1450
RowIsReferenced2 1451
NoReferencedRow2 1452
StoredProcedureBadVariableShadow 1453
TriggerNoDefiner 1454
OldFileFormat 1455
StoredProcedureRecursionLimit 1456
StoredProcedureTableCorrupt 1457
StoredProcedureWrongName 1458
TableNeedsUpgrade 1459
StoredProcedureNoAggregate 1460
MaxPreparedStatementCountReached 1461
ViewRecursive 1462
NonGroupingFieldUsed 1463
TableCannotHandleSpatialKeys 1464
NoTriggersOnSystemSchema 1465
RemovedSpaces 1466
AutoIncrementReadFailed 1467
UserNameError 1468
HostNameError 1469
WrongStringLength 1470
NonInsertableTable 1471
AdminWrongMergeTable 1472
TooHighLevelOfNestingForSelect 1473
NameBecomesEmpty 1474
AmbiguousFieldTerm 1475
ForeignServerExists 1476
ForeignServerDoesNotExist 1477
IllegalHACreateOption 1478
PartitionRequiresValues 1479
PartitionWrongValues 1480
PartitionMaxValue 1481
PartitionSubPartition 1482
PartitionSubPartMix 1483
PartitionWrongNoPart 1484
PartitionWrongNoSubPart 1485
WrongExpressionInParitionFunction 1486
NoConstantExpressionInRangeOrListError 1487
FieldNotFoundPartitionErrror 1488
ListOfFieldsOnlyInHash 1489
InconsistentPartitionInfo 1490
PartitionFunctionNotAllowed 1491
PartitionsMustBeDefined 1492
RangeNotIncreasing 1493
InconsistentTypeOfFunctions 1494
MultipleDefinitionsConstantInListPartition 1495
PartitionEntryError 1496
MixHandlerError 1497
PartitionNotDefined 1498
TooManyPartitions 1499
SubPartitionError 1500
CannotCreateHandlerFile 1501
BlobFieldInPartitionFunction 1502
UniqueKeyNeedAllFieldsInPartitioningFunction 1503
NoPartitions 1504
PartitionManagementOnNoPartitioned 1505
ForeignKeyOnPartitioned 1506
DropPartitionNonExistent 1507
DropLastPartition 1508
CoalesceOnlyOnHashPartition 1509
ReorganizeHashOnlyOnSameNumber 1510
ReorganizeNoParameter 1511
OnlyOnRangeListPartition 1512
AddPartitionSubPartition 1513
AddPartitionNoNewPartition 1514
CoalescePartitionNoPartition 1515
ReorganizePartitionNotExist 1516
SameNamePartition 1517
NoBinLog 1518
ConsecutiveReorganizePartitions 1519
ReorganizeOutsideRange 1520
PartitionFunctionFailure 1521
PartitionStateError 1522
LimitedPartitionRange 1523
PluginIsNotLoaded 1524
WrongValue 1525
NoPartitionForGivenValue 1526
FileGroupOptionOnlyOnce 1527
CreateFileGroupFailed 1528
DropFileGroupFailed 1529
TableSpaceAutoExtend 1530
WrongSizeNumber 1531
SizeOverflow 1532
AlterFileGroupFailed 1533
BinLogRowLogginFailed 1534
BinLogRowWrongTableDefinition 1535
BinLogRowRBRToSBR 1536
EventAlreadyExists 1537
EventStoreFailed 1538
EventDoesNotExist 1539
EventCannotAlter 1540
EventDropFailed 1541
EventIntervalNotPositiveOrTooBig 1542
EventEndsBeforeStarts 1543
EventExecTimeInThePast 1544
EventOpenTableFailed 1545
EventNeitherMExpresssionNorMAt 1546
ColumnCountDoesNotMatchCorrupted 1547
CannotLoadFromTable 1548
EventCannotDelete 1549
EventCompileError 1550
EventSameName 1551
EventDataTooLong 1552
DropIndexForeignKey 1553
WarningDeprecatedSyntaxWithVersion 1554
CannotWriteLockLogTable 1555
CannotLockLogTable 1556
ForeignDuplicateKey 1557
ColumnCountDoesNotMatchPleaseUpdate 1558
TemoraryTablePreventSwitchOutOfRBR 1559
StoredFunctionPreventsSwitchBinLogFormat 1560
NDBCannotSwitchBinLogFormat 1561
PartitionNoTemporary 1562
PartitionConstantDomain 1563
PartitionFunctionIsNotAllowed 1564
DDLLogError 1565
NullInValuesLessThan 1566
WrongPartitionName 1567
CannotChangeTransactionIsolation 1568
DuplicateEntryAutoIncrementCase 1569
EventModifyQueueError 1570
EventSetVariableError 1571
PartitionMergeError 1572
CannotActivateLog 1573
RBRNotAvailable 1574
Base64DecodeError 1575
EventRecursionForbidden 1576
EventsDatabaseError 1577
OnlyIntegersAllowed 1578
UnsupportedLogEngine 1579
BadLogStatement 1580
CannotRenameLogTable 1581
WrongParameterCountToNativeFCT 1582
WrongParametersToNativeFCT 1583
WrongParametersToStoredFCT 1584
NativeFCTNameCollision 1585
DuplicateEntryWithKeyName 1586
BinLogPurgeEMFile 1587
EventCannotCreateInThePast 1588
EventCannotAlterInThePast 1589
SlaveIncident 1590
NoPartitionForGivenValueSilent 1591
BinLogUnsafeStatement 1592
SlaveFatalError 1593
SlaveRelayLogReadFailure 1594
SlaveRelayLogWriteFailure 1595
SlaveCreateEventFailure 1596
SlaveMasterComFailure 1597
BinLogLoggingImpossible 1598
ViewNoCreationContext 1599
ViewInvalidCreationContext 1600
StoredRoutineInvalidCreateionContext 1601
TiggerCorruptedFile 1602
TriggerNoCreationContext 1603
TriggerInvalidCreationContext 1604
EventInvalidCreationContext 1605
TriggerCannotOpenTable 1606
CannoCreateSubRoutine 1607
SlaveAmbiguousExecMode 1608
NoFormatDescriptionEventBeforeBinLogStatement 1609
SlaveCorruptEvent 1610
LoadDataInvalidColumn 1611
LogPurgeNoFile 1612
XARBTimeout 1613
XARBDeadlock 1614
NeedRePrepare 1615
DelayedNotSupported 1616
WarningNoMasterInfo 1617
WarningOptionIgnored 1618
WarningPluginDeleteBuiltIn 1619
WarningPluginBusy 1620
VariableIsReadonly 1621
WarningEngineTransactionRollback 1622
SlaveHeartbeatFailure 1623
SlaveHeartbeatValueOutOfRange 1624
NDBReplicationSchemaError 1625
ConflictFunctionParseError 1626
ExcepionsWriteError 1627
TooLongTableComment 1628
TooLongFieldComment 1629
FunctionInExistentNameCollision 1630
DatabaseNameError 1631
TableNameErrror 1632
PartitionNameError 1633
SubPartitionNameError 1634
TemporaryNameError 1635
RenamedNameError 1636
TooManyConcurrentTransactions 1637
WarningNonASCIISeparatorNotImplemented 1638
DebugSyncTimeout 1639
DebugSyncHitLimit 1640
ErrorLast 1640

See Also