MySqlCommandBuilder Properties

MySQL Connector.Net

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The MySqlCommandBuilder type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected property CanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public property CatalogLocation
Sets or gets the CatalogLocation for an instance of the DbCommandBuilder class.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property CatalogSeparator
Sets or gets a string used as the catalog separator for an instance of the DbCommandBuilder class.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property ConflictOption
Specifies which ConflictOption is to be used by the DbCommandBuilder.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property Container
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public property DataAdapter
Gets or sets a MySqlDataAdapter object for which SQL statements are automatically generated.
Protected property DesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected property Events
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public property QuotePrefix
Gets or sets the beginning character or characters to use when specifying database objects (for example, tables or columns) whose names contain characters such as spaces or reserved tokens.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property QuoteSuffix
Gets or sets the ending character or characters to use when specifying database objects (for example, tables or columns) whose names contain characters such as spaces or reserved tokens.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property SchemaSeparator
Gets or sets the character to be used for the separator between the schema identifier and any other identifiers.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property SetAllValues
Specifies whether all column values in an update statement are included or only changed ones.
(Inherited from DbCommandBuilder.)
Public property Site
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)

See Also