Opening MUX
For opening MUX, there are several parameters that the application MuxConfTool will send to MUX driver. The value for these parameters need to be specified in the ini file for the usage by the application. These parameters are explained as below:
- Mode: This provides the mode in which MUX is to open to communicate. Different modes available are basic, Advanced with Error Recovery and Advanced with Non Error Recovery Mode. These modes differ upon the basis of the structure of frames used for communication.
- Port Speed: This sets the speed of the port over which MUX is to be opened.
- Maximum Frame Size: Data is received or transmitted in form of frames. This parameter specifies the maximum size of the frame.
- Acknowledgement Timer: It provides the time for which the station(receiver or transmitter) waits for an event acknowledgement
- Maximum Retransmissions: This provides the maximum number for which a station should re-attempt for completion of an event which requires any response.
- Response Timer: This provides the maximum amount of time for which a station should wait before sending the command again in case the response does not come .
- Wake up Timer: This is the maximum time for which the transmitting station should wait for response or acknowledgement; before raising an error, in case none is received.
- Window Size for ERM(Error Recovery Mode): This is the maximum number of Information frames that a DLC can have unacknowledged.