Parameter Loop Expansion Tokens


Parameter Loop Expansion Tokens


Parameter loop expansion tokens can be used to inject information about the parameter being processed into the code output stream.


Parameter Loop Token



The coercion type of the current parameter.


The collection type of the current parameter.


The comment associated with the current parameter.


Whether the current parameter is exposed to .NET clients as a Data Table.


The date format of the current parameter.


The data type definition of the current parameter.


The direction of the current parameter.


The direction of the current parameter, padded to a length of 5 characters.


The name of the enum associated with the current parameter.


The name of the current parameter.


The passing mechanism of the current parameter.


The implied decimal precision of the current parameter.


The REQUIRED or OPTIONAL status of the current parameter.


The size of the current parameter.


The name of the STRUCTURE associated with the current parameter.


Inserts the name of the STRUCTURE that defines the current parameters type. If the name of the structure does ends with an "S" then it is removed.


Inserts the name of the STRUCTURE that defines the current parameters type. If the name of the structure does not end with an "S" then one is added.


The data type of the current parameter.



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