Generic Expansion Tokens


Generic Expansion Tokens


Generic expansion tokens are tokens which insert generic (non structure specific) information or take some generic action, and can be used at anywhere in a template file.

Generic Token



Inserts your name, which you specify via the environment variable CODEGEN_AUTHOR.


Inserts a CodeGen version identifier.


Inserts your company name, which you specify via the environment variable CODEGEN_COMPANY.


Decrements the value of counter 1 by one.


Increments the value of counter 1 by one.


Resets the value of counter 1 to zero.


Inserts the current value of counter 1 into the code stream.


Decrements the value of counter 2 by one.


Increments the value of counter 2 by one.


Resets the value of counter 2 to zero.


Inserts the current value of counter 2 into the code stream.



Inserts the name of the current relational database being targeted. For more information refer to the command line option -database.


Inserts the current date in MM/DD/YYYY format.


Inserts the current date in DD/MM/YYYY format.


Inserts the current numeric day of the month in DD format


Inserts the value of an environment variable into the output stream. If the environment variable does not exist then an error is generated.


Inserts the value of an environment variable into the output stream. If the environment variable does not exist then the token will be ignored and no error will be generated.


Inserts the contents of a file into the output stream. The file specification can include an environment variable. If the file does not exist then an error is generated.


Inserts the contents of a file into the output stream. The file specification can include an environment variable. If the file does not exist then the token is ignored and no error is generated.

<GUID1>, <GUID2>, <GUID3>

Inserts one of three GUID values that are unique to the current CodeGen task.


Inserts the DNS name of the computer that you are running CodeGen on.


Inserts the IP address name of the computer that you are running CodeGen on.


Inserts the current numeric month number in MM format.


Inserts the alphanumeric name of the current month.


Inserts the abbreviated alphanumeric name of the current month.


Inserts the default namespace which can be specified either via the environment variable SYNDEFNS, or via the -n command line option.


Inserts the base name of the template file. The base name of the template is the name of the template file with no file extension.


Inserts a random number in the range of 1 to 10.



Inserts a random number in the range of 1 to 100.



Inserts a random number in the range of 1 to 1000.



Inserts a random number in the range of 1 to 2147483647.



Inserts the current time in 24 hour HH:MM format.


Inserts the name of the current weekday.


Inserts the current year in YYYY format.



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