Field Loop Expansion Tokens
Field loop expansion tokens are used to insert information about the current field being processed within the context of a field loop into the output stream. Field loop tokens can only be used inside a field loop.
Field Loop Token |
Description |
Inserts the 1-based index of the current field in the record, without considering array elements or group fields as individual fields. |
Inserts the 0-based index of the current field in the record, without considering array elements or group fields as individual fields. |
Inserts the 1-based index of the current field in the record. Array elements and group fields are considered as individual fields. For example a structure with three fields, one of which is an array of 8 elements, is treated as having 10 fields. |
Inserts the 0-based index of the current field in the record. Array elements and group fields are considered as individual fields. For example a structure with three fields, one of which is an array of 8 elements, is treated as having 10 fields. |
Inserts the alternate name of the field. Array fields are represented in Synergy format, for example ALTNAME[1]. If no alternate name is available then the real name is used. |
Inserts the name of the fields arrive method if present, or by nothing if not. |
Inserts the base name of the field. Array field dimensions are not included in the base name. |
Inserts a value indicating whether the field is a break field, and if so what type of break field. |
Inserts the name of the fields change method if present, or by nothing if not. |
Inserts the screen column for placement of the field on the screen in a cell-based environment. If the field has a column position specified then this is used, otherwise the default of column 15 is used. |
Inserts a string indicating the appropriate C# string to numeric conversion method to use to attempt to parse a string into a numeric value. |
Inserts a C# default value based on the fields data type. |
Inserts a string indicating the C# equivalent data type of the field. |
Inserts the fields default value, if present. |
Inserts the description of the field. |
When CodeGen encounters array fields it "flattens" those arrays out into multiple fields each of which is of the same type and size. When processing a field which was formally part of an array, this token can be used to insert the original dimension two index of the field. For non-array fields inserts a single zero (0). |
When CodeGen encounters array fields it "flattens" those arrays out into multiple fields each of which is of the same type and size. When processing a field which was formally part of an array, this token can be used to insert the original dimension three index of the field. For non-array fields inserts a single zero (0). |
When CodeGen encounters array fields it "flattens" those arrays out into multiple fields each of which is of the same type and size. When processing a field which was formally part of an array, this token can be used to insert the original dimension four index of the field. For non-array fields inserts a single zero (0). |
When CodeGen encounters array fields it "flattens" those arrays out into multiple fields each of which is of the same type and size. When processing a field which was formally part of an array, this token can be used to insert the original dimension one index of the field. For non-array fields inserts a single zero (0). |
Inserts the name of the fields drill method if present, or by nothing if not. |
Inserts the pixel column for placement of a fields drill button on a form. |
For array fields inserts the one-based element number of the field currently being processed by the field loop. For multi-dimension arrays the token inserts a comma-separated list of current index numbers. For non-array fields the token does not cause anything to be written to the output stream. |
For array fields inserts the one-based element number of the field currently being processed by the field loop. For multi-dimension arrays the token inserts a comma-separated list of current index numbers. For non-array fields the token inserts 0. |
Inserts the maximum length of the fields’ enumerated values. |
Inserts the pixel width for the maximum length of the fields’ enumerated values. |
Inserts the name of the fields Repository format, or nothing if no format is specified. |
Inserts the format string value of the fields Repository format, or nothing if no format is specified.
Inserts the fields report heading. If no heading exists then the field prompt is used. If no prompt exists then the fields SQL name is used. Array fields will have the element number appended (e.g. Phone #1). |
Inserts the fields help identifier if present. |
Inserts the name of the fields hyperlink method if present, or by nothing if not. |
Inserts the fields’ information line text if present. |
Inserts the maximum number of characters that can be typed into a UI input field representing the current field. |
Inserts the fields’ long description. |
Inserts the name of the fields leave method if present, or by nothing if not. |
Inserts the maximum value which should be associated with a numeric field. The token should only be used for numeric fields, so you should only use it within an <IF NUMERIC> field loop expression. |
Inserts the minimum value which should be associated with a numeric field. The token should only be used for numeric fields, so you should only use it within an <IF NUMERIC> field loop expression. |
Inserts the name of the field. Array fields are represented in Synergy real array format, and group fields are represented by a full path. |
Inserts a .NET compatible name for the current field. Array fields are expanded to multiple individual fields, with the name being suffixed with the array element number, for example 'FIELDNAME1', 'FIELDNAME2' etc. |
Inserts a .NET compatible version of the alternate name for the current field.
Inserts the character that should be used to represent each character typed into a field, in place of the actual character (think password fields). |
Inserts an Objective-C default value based on the fields data type. |
Inserts a string indicating the Objective-C equivalent data type of the field. |
Inserts an ODBC-compatible name for the current field. Array fields are expanded to multiple individual fields, with the name being suffixed with an underscore and the array element number, for example 'FIELDNAME_1', 'FIELDNAME_2' etc. |
Inserts the original name of the field as defined in the repository. A fields original name never changes, and does not include any array dimensions or paths resulting from the expansion of array or group fields. |
Inserts the path of the field. Array fields are represented in Synergy format, for example structure.fieldname[1]. |
Inserts the path of the field. Array fields are represented in Synergy format, for example structure.fieldname[1]. If the fields user text or long description contains an @UNMAPF=function; expression then the conversion function will also be applied. |
Inserts the pixel column for placement of the field within a UI form. If the field has a column position specified then this is used, otherwise the default of column 15 is used. |
Inserts the pixel row for placement of the field within a UI form. If the field has a row position defined then this is used, otherwise the logical field number (which includes array elements) is used to calculate the default row. |
Inserts the pixel width for default sizing of the field when represented as a TextBox. |
Inserts the one-based byte position of the field in the record. |
Inserts the zero-based byte position of the field in the record. |
Inserts the precision of an implied-decimal field or an empty string. Only the precision is inserted, with no leading period. |
Inserts the precision of an implied-decimal field including a leading period, or an empty string. |
Inserts the fields prompt. |
Inserts the numeric fields’ maximum value. |
Inserts the numeric fields’ minimum value. |
Inserts a regular expression that can be used to constrain and validate user input to a field based on the repository definition of the field. The regular expression inserted depends on the type of field. |
Inserts the screen row for placement of the field on the screen in a cell based environment. If the field has a row position defined then this is used, otherwise the logical field number (which includes array elements) is used to calculate the default row. |
Inserts sample date for the field. |
Inserts the number of selection list values that are associated with the field. |
Inserts a comma separated list of the fields’ selection list values. |
Inserts a quoted string containing a pipe (|) delimited list of the fields selection list values. |
Inserts the maximum length of the fields’ selection list values. |
Inserts the name of the selection window associated with the current field. If the field does not have a selection window then the token inserts nothing. |
Inserts the size of the field in bytes. |
Inserts a Synergy .NET default value based on the fields data type. |
Inserts a string indicating the Synergy NET data type of the field. |
Inserts a Synergy data type definition for the field. |
Inserts a SQL-compatible name for the current field. Array fields are expanded to multiple individual fields, with the name being suffixed with the array element number, for example 'FIELDNAME1', 'FIELDNAME2' etc. |
Inserts a SQL-compatible version of the alternate name for the current field.
Inserts a SQL compatible data definition of the field. |
Inserts the name of the Repository template from which the field inherited its attributes or by a null string if no template is referenced. |
Inserts a UI Toolkit .field script file command for the field. |
Inserts a character indicating the synergy data type of field. |
Inserts a string indicating the Synergy data type of field. |
Inserts the fields’ user-defined text string. |
Inserts a VB.NET default value based on the fields data type. |
Inserts a string indicating the VB.NET data type of the field. |
Inserts the name of the mapped field in the mapped structure. To use this token you must use @MAP=structure; in the structures user text field or long description and @MAP=field; in each fields user text field or long description. |
Inserts the name of the mapped path in the mapped structure. To use this token you must use @MAP=structure; in the structures user text field or long description and @MAP=field; in each fields user text field or long description. |
Inserts the name of the mapped path in the mapped structure . To use this token you must use @MAP=structure; in the structures user text field or long description and @MAP=field; in each fields user text field. If there is also an @MAPF=function; in the user text or long description then that conversion function will also be applied. |
Inserts the screen column for placement of the prompt on the screen in a character based environment. If the prompt has a column position specified then this is used, otherwise the default of column 1 is used. |
Inserts the pixel column for placement of the prompt on a windows form. If the prompt has a column position specified then this is used, otherwise the default of column 1 is used. |
Inserts the pixel row for placement of the prompt on a windows form. If the prompt has a row position defined then this is used, otherwise the logical field number (which includes array elements) is used to calculate the default row. |
Inserts the pixel width for default sizing of the prompt when represented as a label. |
Inserts the screen row for placement of the prompt on the screen in a character based environment. If the prompt has a row position defined then this is used, otherwise the logical field number (which includes array elements) is used to calculate the default row. |
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