Office Components Spreadsheet Function

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Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals, formats the number in decimal format using a period and commas, and returns the result as text.



Number   is the number you want to round and convert to text.

Decimals   is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

No_commas   is a logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text.


  • Numbers in a spreadsheet can never have more than 15 significant digits, but decimals can be as large as 127.
  • If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.
  • If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2.
  • If no_commas is FALSE or omitted, then the returned text includes commas as usual.


The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank spreadsheet.


Formula Description (Result)
=FIXED(A2, 1) Rounds the first number 1 digit to the right of the decimal point (1,234.6)
=FIXED(A2, -1) Rounds the first number 1 digit to the left of the decimal point (1,230)
=FIXED(-1234.567, -1, TRUE) Rounds the second number 1 digit to the left of the decimal point, without commas (-1230)
=FIXED(44.332) Rounds the third number 2 digits to the left of the decimal point (44.33)