Name Property

Microsoft Office Object Model

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Name Property


Returns or sets the name of the specified object. Read/write String for the CommandBar and DocumentProperty objects; read-only String for all other objects.


The local name of a built-in command bar is displayed in the title bar (when the command bar isn't docked) and in the list of available command bars — wherever that list is displayed in the container application.

For a built-in command bar, the Name property returns the command bar's U.S. English name. Use the NameLocal property to return the localized name.

If you change the value of the LocalName property for a custom command bar, the value of Name changes as well, and vice versa.


This example searches the collection of command bars for the command bar named "Custom." If this command bar is found, the example makes it visible.

foundFlag = False
For Each bar In CommandBars
    If bar.Name = "Custom" Then
        foundFlag = True
        bar.Visible = True
    End If
If Not foundFlag Then
    MsgBox "'Custom' bar isn't in collection."
    MsgBox "'Custom' bar is now visible."
End If

This example displays the name, type, and value of a document property. You must pass a valid DocumentProperty object to the procedure.

Sub DisplayPropertyInfo(dp As DocumentProperty)
    MsgBox "value = " & dp.Value & Chr(13) & _
        "type = " & dp.Type & Chr(13) & _
        "name = " & dp.Name
End Sub