ResetFileList Method

Microsoft Office Object Model

ResetFileList Method


Resets the list of files for the current AnswerWizard to the default list of files for the Microsoft Office host application.


expression   An expression that returns an AnswerWizard object.


Use this method to restore all entries in the current AnswerWizard file list to the list in the Windows registry for the host application. You can establish a custom default file list in the registry by adding the names of the custom files to the appropriate registry key.


This example resets the file list for the current AnswerWizard and then displays both the file count and the file names in a message box.

Dim customAnswerWizard As AnswerWizard
Dim strFileList As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intNumFiles As Integer
Set customAnswerWizard = Application.AnswerWizard
intCounter = 1

strFileList = ""
intNumFiles = customAnswerWizard.Files.Count
For intCounter = 1 To (intNumFiles)
    strFileList = strFileList & _
    customAnswerWizard.Files.Item(intCounter) & Chr(13)

MsgBox "There are " & customAnswerWizard.Files.Count & _
    " files avaialble through this AnswerWizard: " & _
    Chr(13) & strFileList