MQTT Server: D:/my_data/GIT/network_apps/netapps/mqtt/common/mqtt_common.h File Reference

MQTT Server Package

D:/my_data/GIT/network_apps/netapps/mqtt/common/mqtt_common.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

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struct  mqtt_packet
struct  utf8_string
struct  mqtt_ack_wlist
struct  utf8_strqos
struct  secure_conn
struct  device_net_services
struct  pub_qos2_cq
struct  client_ctx


#define MQTT_COMMON_VERSTR   "1.0.0"
#define MIN(a, b)   ((a > b)? b : a)
#define MQTT_CONNECT   0x01
#define MQTT_CONNACK   0x02
#define MQTT_PUBLISH   0x03
#define MQTT_PUBACK   0x04
#define MQTT_PUBREC   0x05
#define MQTT_PUBREL   0x06
#define MQTT_PUBCOMP   0x07
#define MQTT_SUBSCRIBE   0x08
#define MQTT_SUBACK   0x09
#define MQTT_UNSUBACK   0x0B
#define MQTT_PINGREQ   0x0C
#define MQTT_PINGRSP   0x0D
#define MQTT_DISCONNECT   0x0E
#define MAX_FH_LEN   0x05
#define MAKE_FH_BYTE1(msg_type,flags)   (u8)((msg_type << 4) | flags)
#define MAKE_FH_FLAGS(bool_dup, enum_qos, bool_retain)   (u8)(((bool_dup << 3) | (enum_qos << 1) | bool_retain) & 0xF)
#define QOS_VALUE(enum_qos)   (u8)(enum_qos & 0x3)
#define QFL_VALUE   0x80
#define DUP_FLAG_VAL(bool_val)   (u8)(bool_val << 3)
#define BOOL_RETAIN(fh_byte1)   ((fh_byte1 & 0x1)? true : false)
#define BOOL_DUP(fh_byte1)   ((fh_byte1 & 0x8)? true : false)
#define ENUM_QOS(fh_byte1)   (enum mqtt_qos)((fh_byte1 & 0x6) >> 1)
#define MSG_TYPE(fh_byte1)   (u8)((fh_byte1 & 0xf0) >> 4)
#define MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp)   (mqp->buffer + mqp->offset)
#define MQP_VHEADER_BUF(mqp)   (MQP_FHEADER_BUF(mqp) + mqp->fh_len)
#define MQP_PAYLOAD_BUF(mqp)   (MQP_VHEADER_BUF(mqp) + mqp->vh_len)
#define MQP_CONTENT_LEN(mqp)   (mqp->fh_len + mqp->vh_len + mqp->pl_len)
#define MQP_FREEBUF_LEN(mqp)
#define MQP_FHEADER_VAL(mqp)   (mqp->fh_byte1)
#define DEFINE_MQP_VEC(num_mqp, mqp_vec)   static struct mqtt_packet mqp_vec[num_mqp];
#define DEFINE_MQP_BUF_VEC(num_mqp, mqp_vec, buf_len, buf_vec)
#define MQP_PUB_TOP_BUF(mqp)   (MQP_VHEADER_BUF(mqp) + 2)
#define MQP_PUB_TOP_LEN(mqp)   (mqp->vh_len - 2 - (mqp->msg_id? 2 : 0))
#define MQP_PUB_PAY_BUF(mqp)   (mqp->pl_len? MQP_PAYLOAD_BUF(mqp) : NULL)
#define MQP_PUB_PAY_LEN(mqp)   (mqp->pl_len)
#define MQP_ERR_NETWORK   (-1)
#define MQP_ERR_TIMEOUT   (-2)
#define MQP_ERR_NET_OPS   (-3)
#define MQP_ERR_FNPARAM   (-4)
#define MQP_ERR_PKT_AVL   (-5)
#define MQP_ERR_PKT_LEN   (-6)
#define MQP_ERR_NOTCONN   (-7)
#define MQP_ERR_BADCALL   (-8)
#define MQP_ERR_CONTENT   (-9)
#define MQP_ERR_LIBQUIT   (-10)
#define MQP_ERR_NOT_DEF   (-32)
#define DEV_NETCONN_OPT_TCP   0x01
#define DEV_NETCONN_OPT_UDP   0x02
#define DEV_NETCONN_OPT_IP6   0x04
#define DEV_NETCONN_OPT_URL   0x08
#define DEV_NETCONN_OPT_SEC   0x10
#define MAX_PUBREL_INFLT   8
#define KA_TIMEOUT_NONE   0xffffffff


typedef int i32
typedef unsigned int u32
typedef unsigned char u8
typedef char i8
typedef unsigned short u16
typedef short i16


enum  mqtt_qos { MQTT_QOS0, MQTT_QOS1, MQTT_QOS2 }


void mqp_free (struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
void mqp_reset (struct mqtt_packet *mqp)
void mqp_init (struct mqtt_packet *mqp, u8 offset)
i32 mqp_buf_wr_utf8 (u8 *buf, const struct utf8_string *utf8)
i32 mqp_buf_tail_wr_remlen (u8 *buf, u32 remlen)
i32 mqp_buf_rd_remlen (u8 *buf, u32 *remlen)
i32 mqp_pub_append_topic (struct mqtt_packet *mqp, const struct utf8_string *topic, u16 msg_id)
i32 mqp_pub_append_data (struct mqtt_packet *mqp, const u8 *data_buf, u32 data_len)
bool mqp_proc_msg_id_ack_rx (struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw, bool has_payload)
bool mqp_proc_pub_rx (struct mqtt_packet *mqp_raw)
bool mqp_ack_wlist_append (struct mqtt_ack_wlist *list, struct mqtt_packet *elem)
struct mqtt_packetmqp_ack_wlist_remove (struct mqtt_ack_wlist *list, u16 msg_id)
void mqp_ack_wlist_purge (struct mqtt_ack_wlist *list)
i32 mqp_prep_fh (struct mqtt_packet *mqp, u8 flags)
i32 mqp_recv (i32 net, const struct device_net_services *net_ops, struct mqtt_packet *mqp, u32 wait_secs, bool *timed_out, void *ctx)
void qos2_pub_cq_reset (struct pub_qos2_cq *cq)
bool qos2_pub_cq_logup (struct pub_qos2_cq *cq, u16 msg_id)
bool qos2_pub_cq_unlog (struct pub_qos2_cq *cq, u16 msg_id)
bool qos2_pub_cq_check (struct pub_qos2_cq *cq, u16 msg_id)
void cl_ctx_reset (struct client_ctx *cl_ctx)
void cl_ctx_timeout_insert (struct client_ctx **head, struct client_ctx *elem)
void cl_ctx_remove (struct client_ctx **head, struct client_ctx *elem)
void cl_ctx_timeout_update (struct client_ctx *cl_ctx, u32 now_secs)

Detailed Description

This file incorporates constructs that are common to both client and server implementation.

The applications are not expected to utlize the routines made available in this module module.

the routines in this module do not check for availability and correctness of the input parameters
The module is expected to under-go changes whilst incorporating support for the server. Therefore, it is suggested that applications do not rely on the services provided in this module.

Define Documentation

#define DEFINE_MQP_BUF_VEC (   num_mqp,
DEFINE_MQP_VEC(num_mqp, mqp_vec);                             \
        static u8 buf_vec[num_mqp][buf_len];
#define MAX_FH_LEN   0x05

MAX Length of Fixed Header


Max number of bytes in remaining length field

#define MQP_FREEBUF_LEN (   mqp)
(mqp->maxlen - mqp->offset -      \
#define MQTT_COMMON_VERSTR   "1.0.0"

Version of Common LIB

#define MQTT_CONNECT   0x01

MQTT Message Types

#define QFL_VALUE   0x80

QOS Failure value (SUBACK)

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum mqtt_qos

MQTT Quality of Service


QoS Level 0


QoS Level 1


QoS Level 2

Function Documentation

i32 mqp_buf_rd_remlen ( u8 *  buf,
u32 *  remlen 

Read MQTT construct 'Remaining Length' from leading bytes of the buffer. The 'remaining length' is written in the format as outlined in the MQTT specification.

[in]bufrefers to memory to head-read 'Remaining Length' from
[in]remlenplace-holder for The 'Remaining Length' value
in success, number of header bytes read, otherwise -1 on error
i32 mqp_buf_tail_wr_remlen ( u8 *  buf,
u32  remlen 

Write the MQTT construct 'Remaining Length' into trailing end of buffer. The 'remaining length' is written in the format as outlined in the MQTT specification.

The implementation assumes availability of at-least 4 bytes in the buffer. Depending on the value of 'Remaining Length' appropriate trailing bytes in the buffer would be used.

[in]bufrefers to memory to tail-write 'Remaining Length' into
[in]remlenThe 'Remaining Length' value
in success, number of trailing bytes used, otherwise -1 on error
i32 mqp_buf_wr_utf8 ( u8 *  buf,
const struct utf8_string utf8 

Write UTF8 information into the buffer. The UTF8 information includes content and its length.

The routine does not check for correctness of the paramters.
[in]bufrefers to memory to write UTF8 information into
[in]utf8contains UTF8 information to be written
on success, number of bytes written, otherwise -1 on error.
void mqp_free ( struct mqtt_packet mqp)

Free a MQTT Packet Buffer Puts back the packet buffer in to the appropriate pool.

[in]mqppacket buffer to be freed
void mqp_init ( struct mqtt_packet mqp,
u8  offset 

Initializes attributes of the MQTT Packet Holder. This routine sets number of users of the MQTT Packet Holder to 1. However, it leaves, if already provisioned, the reference to buffer and its size un-altered.

[in]mqppacket buffer to be initialized
[in]offsetindex in buffer to indicate start of the contents
i32 mqp_prep_fh ( struct mqtt_packet mqp,
u8  flags 

Prepare the Fixed-Header of the MQTT Packet (before being sent to network) Based on the contents of the mqtt packet and the combination of DUP, QoS and Retain flags as outlined the MQTT specification, the routine updates, among others, significant internal fields such as 'remaining length' and 'fixed header length' in the packet construct and embeds the fixed header, so created, in the packet buffer.

This service must be utilized on a packet that has been already populated with all the payload data, topics and other contents. The fixed header must be the final step in the compostion of MQTT packet prior to its dispatch to the server.

Returns size, in bytes, of the fixed-header, otherwise -1 on error.

bool mqp_proc_msg_id_ack_rx ( struct mqtt_packet mqp_raw,
bool  has_payload 

Construct a packet for Message ID enabled ACK received from network Process the raw ACK message information to update the packet holder.

This routine does not check for correctness of the input parameters.
[in]mqp_rawholds a raw buffer from the network
[in]has_payloadasserted, if ACK message should have a payload
on success, true, otherwise false
bool mqp_proc_pub_rx ( struct mqtt_packet mqp_raw)

Construct a packet for PUBLISH message received from the network Process the raw PUB message information to update the packet holder.

This routine does not check for correctness of the input parameters.
[in]mqp_rawholds a raw buffer from the network
on success, true, other wise false
i32 mqp_pub_append_data ( struct mqtt_packet mqp,
const u8 *  data_buf,
u32  data_len 

Include payload data for publishing The payload data is associated with a topic.

This routine does not check for correctness of the input parameters.
[in]mqppacket buffer in which payload data must be included.
[in]data_bufdata to be included in the packet buffer
[in]data_lenlength of the data to be included in the packet.
on success, number of bytes appended, otherwise -1 on error.
A 'topic' must be appended prior to inclusion of pulished data.
i32 mqp_pub_append_topic ( struct mqtt_packet mqp,
const struct utf8_string topic,
u16  msg_id 

Include variable header Topic as part of PUB Message construction. Inclusion of a Topic also encompasses incorporation of the message ID.

The topic refers to the subject for which data will be published by the client or the server. The topic entity must be appended into the packet buffer prior to the inclusion of the payload (data).

This routine does not check for correctness of the input parameters.
[in]mqppacket buffer in which topic must be included.
[in]topicUTF8 information
[in]msg_idMessage or Packet transaction ID
on success, number of bytes appended, otherwise -1 on error.
A 'topic' must be appended prior to inclusion of pulished data.
void mqp_reset ( struct mqtt_packet mqp)

Resets the attributes of MQTT Packet Holder to its init state Not all fields are reset - entities such as offset, n_refs in addition to buffer information are not updated.

[in]mqppacket buffer to be reset
See also:
Generated on Mon Nov 17 2014 12:12:08 for MQTT Server by  doxygen 1.7.4