Using Application Builder with NI-DAQmx
When using the Application Builder to create either a stand-alone application or an installer, you can choose to include or exclude project-defined tasks, channels, and scales.
To create an application, complete the following steps:
- Create a task, channel, or scale.
- Add the task, channel, or scale to a VI by dragging and dropping the object onto the front panel or block diagram.
- Right-click Build Specifications. Select New»Application (EXE).
- The Application Builder window opens. Refer to Building a Stand-Alone Application for more information on setting up an application build.
- Select Source Files from the Category list. Move the desired VI to the Startup VIs list box.
- Select Advanced from the Category list. The option Include hardware configuration files is selected by default. If you build with the option checked, daqmx.ini is created in the support directory path. The .ini file contains task, channel, and scale configuration data in plain text format. When you run the application, the application references the .ini file to set up tasks, channels, and scales in the VI.
To create an installer, complete the following steps:
- Right-click Build Specifications. Select New»Installer.
- Refer to Building an Installer for more information on setting up an installer build.
- Select Advanced from the Category list. Click Include hardware configuration from MAX. The MAX hardware configuration includes device information, in addition to NI-DAQmx task, channel, and scale configurations.
- Click Configure. The Configuration Export Wizard opens. For more information on exporting a hardware configuration, refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for NI-DAQmx. When you run the installer, the installer references the .nce file to set up devices, tasks, channels, and scales in MAX.