Represents a raw JSON string.
Declaration Syntax
All Members | Constructors | Methods | Properties | ||
Icon | Member | Description |
JRaw(JRaw) |
Initializes a new instance of the JRaw class from another JRaw object.
JRaw(Object) |
Initializes a new instance of the JRaw class.
AddAfterSelf(Object) |
Adds the specified content immediately after this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
AddBeforeSelf(Object) |
Adds the specified content immediately before this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
AfterSelf()()()() |
Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Ancestors()()()() |
Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
BeforeSelf()()()() |
Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Children()()()() |
Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
CompareTo(JValue) |
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
Create(JsonReader) |
Creates an instance of JRaw with the content of the reader's current token.
CreateReader()()()() |
Creates an JsonReader for this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
DeepClone()()()() |
Creates a new instance of the JToken. All child tokens are recursively cloned.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Equals(JValue) |
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from JValue.) |
Finalize()()()() |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) |
First |
Get the first child token of this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
GetHashCode()()()() |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
GetMetaObject(Expression) |
Returns the DynamicMetaObject responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
GetType()()()() |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) |
HasValues |
Gets a value indicating whether this token has childen tokens.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema) |
Determines whether the JToken is valid.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Item[([( Object])]) |
Gets the JToken with the specified key.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Last |
Get the last child token of this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
MemberwiseClone()()()() |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) |
Next |
Gets the next sibling token of this node.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Parent |
Gets or sets the parent.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Previous |
Gets the previous sibling token of this node.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Remove()()()() |
Removes this token from its parent.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Replace(JToken) |
Replaces this token with the specified token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Root | (Inherited from JToken.) |
SelectToken(String) |
Selects the token that matches the object path.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
SelectToken(String, Boolean) |
Selects the token that matches the object path.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
ToString()()()() |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
ToString(String) |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
ToString(IFormatProvider) |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
ToString(Formatting, array<JsonConverter>[]()[][]) |
Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Type |
Gets the node type for this JToken.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
Validate(JToken, JsonSchema) |
Validates the specified JToken.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Validate(JToken, JsonSchema, ValidationEventHandler) |
Validates the specified JToken.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Value |
Gets or sets the underlying token value.
(Inherited from JValue.) |
Value<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object) |
Gets the JToken with the specified key converted to the specified type.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Values<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() |
Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
WriteTo(JsonWriter, array<JsonConverter>[]()[][]) |
Writes this token to a JsonWriter.
(Inherited from JValue.) |