The Newtonsoft.Json namespace provides classes that are used to implement the core services of the framework.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
namespace Newtonsoft.Json
Namespace Newtonsoft.Json
namespace Newtonsoft.Json
All Types | Classes | Interfaces | Enumerations |
Icon | Type | Description |
ConstructorHandling |
Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the JsonSerializer.
DefaultValueHandling |
Specifies default value handling options for the JsonSerializer.
Formatting |
Specifies formatting options for the JsonTextWriter.
IJsonLineInfo |
Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information.
JsonArrayAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer how to serialize the collection.
JsonConstructorAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
JsonContainerAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer how to serialize the object.
JsonConvert |
Provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and JSON types.
JsonConverter |
Converts an object to and from JSON.
JsonConverterAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer to use the specified JsonConverter when serializing the member or class.
JsonConverterCollection |
Represents a collection of JsonConverter.
JsonIgnoreAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.
JsonObjectAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer how to serialize the object.
JsonPropertyAttribute |
Instructs the JsonSerializer to always serialize the member with the specified name.
JsonReader |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized Json data.
JsonReaderException |
The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading Json text.
JsonSerializationException |
The exception thrown when an error occurs during Json serialization or deserialization.
JsonSerializer |
Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.
The JsonSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.
JsonSerializerSettings |
Specifies the settings on a JsonSerializer object.
JsonTextReader |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized Json data.
JsonTextWriter |
Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating Json data.
JsonToken |
Specifies the type of Json token.
JsonValidatingReader |
Represents a reader that provides JsonSchema validation.
JsonWriter |
Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating Json data.
JsonWriterException |
The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading Json text.
MemberSerialization |
Specifies the member serialization options for the JsonSerializer.
MissingMemberHandling |
Specifies missing member handling options for the JsonSerializer.
NullValueHandling |
Specifies null value handling options for the JsonSerializer.
ObjectCreationHandling |
Specifies how object creation is handled by the JsonSerializer.
PreserveReferencesHandling |
Specifies reference handling options for the JsonSerializer.
ReferenceLoopHandling |
Specifies reference loop handling options for the JsonSerializer.
Required |
Indicating whether a property is required.
JsonReader..::..State |
Specifies the state of the reader.
TypeNameHandling |
Specifies type name handling options for the JsonSerializer.
WriteState |
Specifies the state of the JsonWriter.