Json.NET - Quick Starts & API Documentation
JConstructor Class
Namespaces ► Newtonsoft.Json.Linq ► JConstructor
Represents a JSON constructor.
Declaration Syntax
C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
public class JConstructor : JContainer
Public Class JConstructor _ Inherits JContainer
public ref class JConstructor : public JContainer
All Members | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events | |
Icon | Member | Description |
JConstructor()()()() |
Initializes a new instance of the JConstructor class.
JConstructor(JConstructor) |
Initializes a new instance of the JConstructor class from another JConstructor object.
JConstructor(String, array<Object>[]()[][]) |
Initializes a new instance of the JConstructor class with the specified name and content.
JConstructor(String, Object) |
Initializes a new instance of the JConstructor class with the specified name and content.
JConstructor(String) |
Initializes a new instance of the JConstructor class with the specified name.
Add(Object) |
Adds the specified content as children of this JToken.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
AddAfterSelf(Object) |
Adds the specified content immediately after this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
AddBeforeSelf(Object) |
Adds the specified content immediately before this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
AddFirst(Object) |
Adds the specified content as the first children of this JToken.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
AddingNew |
Occurs before an item is added to the collection.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
AfterSelf()()()() |
Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Ancestors()()()() |
Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
BeforeSelf()()()() |
Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Children()()()() |
Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
CollectionChanged |
Occurs when the items list of the collection has changed, or the collection is reset.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
CreateReader()()()() |
Creates an JsonReader for this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
CreateWriter()()()() |
Creates an JsonWriter that can be used to add tokens to the JToken.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
DeepClone()()()() |
Creates a new instance of the JToken. All child tokens are recursively cloned.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Descendants()()()() |
Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from Object.) |
Finalize()()()() |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.) |
First |
Get the first child token of this token.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
GetHashCode()()()() |
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.) |
GetMetaObject(Expression) |
Returns the DynamicMetaObject responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
GetType()()()() |
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.) |
HasValues |
Gets a value indicating whether this token has childen tokens.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema) |
Determines whether the JToken is valid.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Item[([( Object])]) |
Gets the JToken with the specified key.
(Overrides JToken.Item[([( Object])]) .) |
Last |
Get the last child token of this token.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
ListChanged |
Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
Load(JsonReader) |
Loads an JConstructor from a JsonReader.
MemberwiseClone()()()() |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.) |
Name |
Gets or sets the name of this constructor.
Next |
Gets the next sibling token of this node.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
OnAddingNew(AddingNewEventArgs) |
Raises the AddingNew event.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the CollectionChanged event.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
OnListChanged(ListChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the ListChanged event.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
Parent |
Gets or sets the parent.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Previous |
Gets the previous sibling token of this node.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Remove()()()() |
Removes this token from its parent.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
RemoveAll()()()() |
Removes the child nodes from this token.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
Replace(JToken) |
Replaces this token with the specified token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
ReplaceAll(Object) |
Replaces the children nodes of this token with the specified content.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
Root | (Inherited from JToken.) |
SelectToken(String) |
Selects the token that matches the object path.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
SelectToken(String, Boolean) |
Selects the token that matches the object path.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
ToString()()()() |
Returns the indented JSON for this token.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
ToString(Formatting, array<JsonConverter>[]()[][]) |
Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Type |
Gets the node type for this JToken.
(Overrides JToken.Type.) |
Validate(JToken, JsonSchema) |
Validates the specified JToken.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Validate(JToken, JsonSchema, ValidationEventHandler) |
Validates the specified JToken.
(Inherited from Extensions.) |
Value<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Object) |
Gets the JToken with the specified key converted to the specified type.
(Inherited from JToken.) |
Values<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() |
Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.
(Inherited from JContainer.) |
WriteTo(JsonWriter, array<JsonConverter>[]()[][]) |
Writes this token to a JsonWriter.
(Overrides JToken.WriteTo(JsonWriter, array<JsonConverter>[]()[][]).) |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object | |||
JToken | |||
JContainer | |||
JConstructor |