RepeatCount Property


IviLxiSync Reference  

IIviLxiSyncTriggerAlarm.RepeatCount Property

Specifies the number of times to repeat the trigger at the period specified by the Trigger Alarm Period attribute.

[Visual Basic]
Public Property RepeatCount As Int32

public Int32 RepeatCount {get; set;}

HRESULT get_RepeatCount(
   long* retval
HRESULT put_RepeatCount(
   long val


If Trigger Alarm Repeat Period is non-zero and Trigger Alarm Repeat Count is zero, then the alarm shall repeat forever at the Trigger Alarm Period.

See Also

IIviLxiSyncTriggerAlarm Interface | IIviLxiSyncTriggerAlarm Members | Ivi.LxiSync.Interop Namespace