IIviLxiSyncArmAlarm Members


IviLxiSync Reference  

IIviLxiSyncArmAlarm Members

IIviLxiSyncArmAlarm overview

Public Properties

public propertyEnabled Enables or disables the arm alarm.
public propertyPeriod Specifies the period of the arm alarm in seconds; that is, the amount of time in seconds that transpire before the alarm repeats.
public propertyRepeatCount Specifies the number of times to repeat the trigger at the period specified by the Arm Alarm Period attribute.
public propertyTimeFraction Specifies the fractional portion of the time at which the alarm will go off.
public propertyTimeSeconds Specifies the seconds portion of time at which the alarm will go off.

Public Methods

public methodConfigure This function configures the most commonly configured attributes of the arm alarm sub-system.

See Also

IIviLxiSyncArmAlarm Interface | Ivi.LxiSync.Interop Namespace