TriggerSource Property


IviLxiSync Reference  

IIviLxiSyncTrigger.TriggerSource Property

Specifies which of the available trigger sources to use as the signal for triggering the device-specific operation (for example, a measurement).

[Visual Basic]
Public Property TriggerSource As String

public String TriggerSource {get; set;}

HRESULT get_TriggerSource(
   BSTR* retval
HRESULT put_TriggerSource(
   BSTR val


The value specified for this attribute may be one of the names in the LxiTriggerSource repeated capability collection as returned from either the Trigger Source Name attribute (for IVI-COM) or the GetTriggerSourceName function (for IVI-C). The name specified here may also correspond to a non-LXI trigger event. For instance, the caller can use this attribute to program the trigger source to external or immediate triggering, by specifying values such as EXT or INT. Such trigger source names are device-dependent. If the device trigger source has been programmed to a non-LXI event using an attribute or function other than the Trigger Source attribute, then this attribute shall return that value when read. For instance, if the specific driver implements an IVI instrument class and the class-compliant API is used to set the trigger source to external, then this property shall return a string that reflects the value set through the class-compliant API.

See Also

IIviLxiSyncTrigger Interface | IIviLxiSyncTrigger Members | Ivi.LxiSync.Interop Namespace