Adobe InDesign CS5 (7.0) Object Model JS: FloatingWindowPosition

InDesign CS5

 Options for specifying the position of a movie's display window.


FloatingWindowPosition.CENTERPositions the window in the center of the screen.1298359662 = 'Mcen'
FloatingWindowPosition.CENTER_LEFTPositions the window on the left side of the screen midway between the top and bottom.1298361446 = 'Mclf'
FloatingWindowPosition.CENTER_RIGHTPositions the window on the right side of the screen midway between the top and bottom.1298362996 = 'Mcrt'
FloatingWindowPosition.LOWER_LEFTPositions the window in the lower left corner of the screen.1298951270 = 'Mllf'
FloatingWindowPosition.LOWER_MIDDLEPositions the window at the bottom of the screen midway between the left and right edges.1298951524 = 'Mlmd'
FloatingWindowPosition.LOWER_RIGHTPositions the window in the lower right corner of the screen.1298952820 = 'Mlrt'
FloatingWindowPosition.UPPER_LEFTPositions the window in the upper left corner of the screen.1668183118 = 'cntN'
FloatingWindowPosition.UPPER_MIDDLEPositions the window at the top of the screen midway between the left and right edges.1299541348 = 'Mumd'
FloatingWindowPosition.UPPER_RIGHTPositions the window in the upper right corner of the screen.1299542644 = 'Murt'


As property


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