Adobe InDesign CS5 (7.0) Object Model JS: IntegerEditbox

InDesign CS5



 A numeric entry field that rounds to the nearest whole number. Note: .5 is rounded up. Base Class: Widget


addEventListener, getElements, removeEventListener, toSource, toSpecifier


BorderPanel | DialogColumn | DialogRow | EnablingGroup
Event | EventListener | MutationEvent


editContentsstring r/wThe default value in an editbox control. Note: Do not specify both edit contents and edit value. If both are specified, the one that occurs later in the script is used.
editValuenumber r/wThe real number default value of the editbox or combobox. Note: For measurement controls, the value is interpreted in points. The points value is converted to edit units when the dialog opens. Note: Do not specify both edit value and edit contents. If both are specified, the one that occurs later in the script is used.
eventListenersEventListeners readonlyA collection of event listeners.
eventsEvents readonlyA collection of events.
idnumber readonlyThe unique ID of the IntegerEditbox.
indexnumber readonlyThe index of the IntegerEditbox within its containing object.
isValidbool readonlyReturns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.
largeNudgenumber r/wThe amount to increment/decrement the value when a user selects the control and holds down the Shift key while pressing an arrow key on the keyboard.
maximumValuenumber r/wThe maximum value that a user is allowed to type in a numeric editbox or combobox. Note: The value for a measurement editbox or combobox is interpreted in points, regardless of the edit units specified for the control. The points value is converted automatically to the edit unit when the dialog is opened.
minWidthnumber r/wThe width of the control. For an editbox or combobox, specifies the minimum width of the box.
minimumValuenumber r/wThe minumim value that a user is allowed to type in a numeric editbox or combobox. Note: The value for a measurement editbox or combobox is interpreted in points, regardless of the edit units specified for the control. The points value is converted automatically to the edit unit when the dialog is opened.
readonlyThe parent of the IntegerEditbox (a DialogColumn, DialogRow, EnablingGroup or BorderPanel).
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
smallNudgenumber r/wThe amount to increment/decrement the value when the user selects the control and presses an arrow key on the keyboard.



EventListener addEventListener (eventType: string, handler: varies[, captures: bool=false])
Adds an event listener.

eventTypestringThe event type.
JavaScript Function
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
capturesboolThis parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false)

Array of IntegerEditbox getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

bool removeEventListener (eventType: string, handler: varies[, captures: bool=false])
Removes the event listener.

eventTypestringThe registered event type.
JavaScript Function
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
capturesboolThis parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false)

string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the IntegerEditbox.

string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.

Used in:

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.nextItem (obj: IntegerEditbox)

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.previousItem (obj: IntegerEditbox)


Array of IntegerEditbox IntegerEditbox.getElements ()

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.[] (index: number)

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.add ([withProperties: Object])

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.anyItem ()

Array of IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.everyItem ()

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.firstItem ()

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.item (index: varies)

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.itemByID (id: number)

Array of IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.itemByRange (from: varies, to: varies)

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.lastItem ()

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.middleItem ()

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.nextItem (obj: IntegerEditbox)

IntegerEditbox IntegerEditboxes.previousItem (obj: IntegerEditbox)

Jongware, 20-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index