Adobe InDesign CS5 (7.0) Object Model JS: AlignDistributeBounds

InDesign CS5

 Options for aligning or distributing objects.


AlignDistributeBounds.ITEM_BOUNDSAlign or distribute to the bounds of the objects.1416587604 = 'ToiT'
AlignDistributeBounds.MARGIN_BOUNDSAlign or distribute to the margins of the page.1416588609 = 'TomA'
AlignDistributeBounds.PAGE_BOUNDSAlign or distribute to the bounds of the page.1416589377 = 'TopA'
AlignDistributeBounds.SPREAD_BOUNDSAlign or distribute to the bounds of the spread.1416590160 = 'TosP'


In function

void Document.align (alignDistributeItems: Array of PageItem, alignOption: AlignOptions[, alignDistributeBounds: AlignDistributeBounds])

void Document.distribute (alignDistributeItems: Array of PageItem, distributeOption: DistributeOptions[, alignDistributeBounds: AlignDistributeBounds][, useDistributeMeasurement: bool][, absoluteDistributeMeasurement: Measurement Unit (Number or String)])

As property


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