Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) Object Model JS: XMLElementPosition

InDesign CS5.5

 Options for specifying position relative to the reference XML element or withing the XML element.


XMLElementPosition.AFTER_ELEMENTSpecifies the position after the XML element.1482778228 = 'Xaft'
XMLElementPosition.BEFORE_ELEMENTSpecifies the position before the XML element.1482843494 = 'Xbef'
XMLElementPosition.ELEMENT_ENDSpecifies the position at the end of the XML element.1483042404 = 'Xend'
XMLElementPosition.ELEMENT_STARTSpecifies the position at the beginning of the XML element.1482844014 = 'Xbgn'


In function

Text XMLElement.insertTextAsContent (using: varies, position: XMLElementPosition)

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