Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5) Object Model JS: Fitting

InDesign CS5.5

 Options for fitting content to a frame.


Fitting.FILL_PROPORTIONALResizes content to fill the frame while preserving content proportions. If the content and frame have different proportions, some content is obscured by the bounding box of the frame.1684883056 = 'dmFp'
Fitting.FIT_CONTENT_TO_FRAMEResizes content to fit the frame. Note: Content that is a different size than the frame appears stretched or squeezed.1684883043 = 'dmFc'
Fitting.FIT_FRAME_TO_CONTENTResizes the frame to fit the content.1684883046 = 'dmFf'
Fitting.PRESERVE_SIZESPreserves the original sizes of the frame and the content. Note: Content that is larger than the frame is obscured around the edges.1684885619 = 'dmPs'
Fitting.PROPORTIONALResizes content to fit the frame while preserving content proportions. If the content and frame have different proportions, some empty space occurs in the frame.1684885618 = 'dmPr'


As property


Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index