Property | Type | Access | Description |
activeBook | Book | r/w | The active book. |
activeDocument | Document | r/w | The front-most document. |
activeScript | File | readonly | The current script running from the Scripts panel. |
activeScriptUndoMode | UndoModes: UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT UndoModes.AUTO_UNDO UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT |
readonly | The undo mode for the current script execution. |
activeWindow | LayoutWindow StoryWindow Window |
r/w | The front-most window. Can return: Window, LayoutWindow or StoryWindow. |
alignDistributePreferences | AlignDistributePreference | readonly | Preferences for alignment and distribution. |
allCellStyles | Array of CellStyle | readonly | All Cell styles |
allCharacterStyles | Array of CharacterStyle | readonly | Lists all character styles (regardless of their group). |
allObjectStyles | Array of ObjectStyle | readonly | All object styles contained by the Application. |
allParagraphStyles | Array of ParagraphStyle | readonly | Lists all paragraph styles (regardless of their group). |
allPreflightObjectTypes | Array of string | readonly | The list of all object types (strings) a preflight rule can operate on. |
allPreflightRuleCategories | Array of string | readonly | The list of all categories that have been declared by rules. |
allPreflightRuleIDs | Array of string | readonly | The list of all known (declared) rule IDs. |
allTableStyles | Array of TableStyle | readonly | All Table styles |
anchoredObjectDefaults | AnchoredObjectDefault | readonly | Anchored object default settings. |
anchoredObjectSettings | AnchoredObjectSetting | readonly | Anchored object settings. |
autoCorrectPreferences | AutoCorrectPreference | readonly | Auto-correct preferences. |
autoCorrectTables | AutoCorrectTables AutoCorrectTable | readonly | A collection of auto-correct tables. |
backgroundTasks | BackgroundTasks BackgroundTask | readonly | A collection of background task objects. |
baselineFrameGridOptions | BaselineFrameGridOption | readonly | Baseline frame grid option settings. |
books | Books Book | readonly | A collection of books. |
buttonPreferences | ButtonPreference | readonly | Button preference settings. |
cellStyleGroups | CellStyleGroups CellStyleGroup | readonly | A collection of cell style groups. |
cellStyles | CellStyles CellStyle | readonly | A collection of cell styles. |
changeGlyphPreferences | ChangeGlyphPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeGrepPreferences | ChangeGrepPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeObjectPreferences | ChangeObjectPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeTextPreferences | ChangeTextPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeTransliteratePreferences | ChangeTransliteratePreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
characterStyleGroups | CharacterStyleGroups CharacterStyleGroup | readonly | A collection of character style groups. |
characterStyles | CharacterStyles CharacterStyle | readonly | A collection of character styles. |
cjkGridPreferences | CjkGridPreference | readonly | CJK grid preference settings. |
clearOverridesWhenApplyingStyle | bool | r/w | Clear overrides first before applying object style |
clipboardPreferences | ClipboardPreference | readonly | Clipboard preference properties that define the way that the application interacts with the system clipboard. |
colorSettings | ColorSetting | readonly | Color setting properties that define color management defaults. |
colors | Colors Color | readonly | A collection of colors. |
compositeFonts | CompositeFonts CompositeFont | readonly | A collection of composite fonts. |
conditionSets | ConditionSets ConditionSet | readonly | A collection of condition sets for conditional text. |
conditionalTextPreferences | ConditionalTextPreference | readonly | Conditional text preferences. |
conditions | Conditions Condition | readonly | A collection of conditions for conditional text. |
dashedStrokeStyles | DashedStrokeStyles DashedStrokeStyle | readonly | A collection of dashed stroke styles. |
dataMergeOptions | DataMergeOption | readonly | The data merge option properties that define the data merge. |
dialogs | Dialogs Dialog | readonly | A collection of dialogs. |
dictionaryPreferences | DictionaryPreference | readonly | User dictionary preference settings. |
displayPerformancePreferences | DisplayPerformancePreference | readonly | Display performance settings. |
displaySettings | DisplaySettings DisplaySetting | readonly | Display setting properties. |
documentPreferences | DocumentPreference | readonly | Document preference settings. |
documentPresets | DocumentPresets DocumentPreset | readonly | A collection of document presets. |
documents | Documents Document | readonly | A collection of documents. |
dottedStrokeStyles | DottedStrokeStyles DottedStrokeStyle | readonly | A collection of dotted stroke styles. |
epsExportPreferences | EPSExportPreference | readonly | EPS export preferences. |
epsImportPreferences | EPSImportPreference | readonly | EPS import preferences. |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener | readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event | readonly | A collection of events. |
excelImportPreferences | ExcelImportPreference | readonly | Excel import preferences. |
exportForWebPreferences | ExportForWebPreference | readonly | The default export for web preferences. |
featureSet | FeatureSetOptions: FeatureSetOptions.ROMAN FeatureSetOptions.JAPANESE FeatureSetOptions.RIGHTTOLEFT |
readonly | The feature set. |
filePath | File | readonly | The full path to the file. |
findChangeGlyphOptions | FindChangeGlyphOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change glyph options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeGrepOptions | FindChangeGrepOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change grep options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeObjectOptions | FindChangeObjectOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change object options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeTextOptions | FindChangeTextOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change text options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeTransliterateOptions | FindChangeTransliterateOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change transliterate options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findGlyphPreferences | FindGlyphPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findGrepPreferences | FindGrepPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findObjectPreferences | FindObjectPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findTextPreferences | FindTextPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findTransliteratePreferences | FindTransliteratePreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
flattenerPresets | FlattenerPresets FlattenerPreset | readonly | A collection of transparency flattener presets. |
fonts | Fonts Font | readonly | A collection of fonts. |
footnoteOptions | FootnoteOption | readonly | Footnote option settings. |
frameFittingOptions | FrameFittingOption | readonly | The frame fitting option to apply to placed or pasted content. Can be applied to a frame, object style, or document or to the application. |
fullName | File | readonly | The full path to the Application, including the name of the Application. |
galleyPreferences | GalleyPreference | readonly | Galley preference settings. |
generalPreferences | GeneralPreference | readonly | General preference settings. |
grabberPreferences | GrabberPreference | readonly | Grabber preference properties that define display performance quality during scrolling. |
gradients | Gradients Gradient | readonly | A collection of gradients. |
gridPreferences | GridPreference | readonly | Grid preference settings. |
gridPrintingPreferences | GridPrintingPreference | readonly | Grid printing preference and export settings. |
guidePreferences | GuidePreference | readonly | Guide preference settings. |
idleTasks | IdleTasks IdleTask | readonly | All attachable idle tasks. |
imageIOPreferences | ImageIOPreference | readonly | The image I/O preference properties that define preferences for importing images. |
imagePreferences | ImagePreference | readonly | Image preferences. |
imePreferences | IMEPreference | readonly | IME preference settings. |
importedPageAttributes | ImportedPageAttribute | readonly | Placed InDesign page attributes. |
incopyExportOptions | InCopyExportOption | readonly | Export options for InCopy INCX document format. |
indexGenerationOptions | IndexOptions | readonly | The index options properties that define how an index is formatted. |
indexingSortOptions | IndexingSortOptions IndexingSortOption | readonly | A collection of indexing sort options. |
inks | Inks Ink | readonly | A collection of inks. |
interactivePDFExportPreferences | InteractivePDFExportPreference | readonly | Interactive PDF export preferences. |
isValid | bool | readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
jpegExportPreferences | JPEGExportPreference | readonly | JPEG export preferences. |
kinsokuTables | KinsokuTables KinsokuTable | readonly | A collection of kinsoku tables. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
languagesWithVendors | LanguagesWithVendors | readonly | A collection of languages with vendors. |
layoutAdjustmentPreferences | LayoutAdjustmentPreference | readonly | Layout sdjustment preference settings. |
layoutGridData | LayoutGridDataInformation | readonly | Default properties specific to layout grids. |
layoutWindows | LayoutWindows LayoutWindow | readonly | A collection of layout windows. |
libraries | Libraries Library | readonly | A collection of object libraries. |
linkedStoryOptions | LinkedStoryOption | readonly | Linked story options |
linkingPreferences | LinkingPreference | readonly | The links preference properties that define preferences for links. |
liveScreenDrawing | LiveDrawingOptions: LiveDrawingOptions.NEVER LiveDrawingOptions.IMMEDIATELY LiveDrawingOptions.DELAYED |
r/w | Delay before mouse operations trigger live screen drawing of page items. |
readonly | The locale of the application. |
marginPreferences | MarginPreference | readonly | Margin preference settings. |
menuActions | MenuActions MenuAction | readonly | A collection of menu actions. |
menus | Menus Menu | readonly | A collection of menus. |
mixedInkGroups | MixedInkGroups MixedInkGroup | readonly | A collection of mixed ink groups. |
mixedInks | MixedInks MixedInk | readonly | A collection of mixed inks. |
modalState | bool | readonly | If true, a modal dialog or alert is active. |
mojikumiTables | MojikumiTables MojikumiTable | readonly | A collection of mojikumi tables. |
mojikumiUIPreferences | MojikumiUiPreference | readonly | Mojikumi user interface preference settings. |
motionPresets | MotionPresets MotionPreset | readonly | A collection of Motion presets. |
name | string | readonly | The name of the Application. |
namedGrids | NamedGrids NamedGrid | readonly | A collection of named grids. |
notePreferences | NotePreference | readonly | Note preference settings. |
numberingLists | NumberingLists NumberingList | readonly | A collection of numbered lists. |
objectStyleGroups | ObjectStyleGroups ObjectStyleGroup | readonly | A collection of object style groups. |
objectStyles | ObjectStyles ObjectStyle | readonly | A collection of object styles. |
pageItemDefaults | PageItemDefault | readonly | The default page item formatting for the Application. |
panels | Panels Panel | readonly | A collection of panels. |
paragraphStyleGroups | ParagraphStyleGroups ParagraphStyleGroup | readonly | A collection of paragraph style groups. |
paragraphStyles | ParagraphStyles ParagraphStyle | readonly | A collection of paragraph styles. |
parent | Application | readonly | The parent of the Application (a Application). |
pasteboardPreferences | PasteboardPreference | readonly | Pasteboard preference settings. |
pdfExportPreferences | PDFExportPreference | readonly | A collection of PDF export preferences. |
pdfExportPresets | PDFExportPresets PDFExportPreset | readonly | A collection of PDF export presets. |
pdfPlacePreferences | PDFPlacePreference | readonly | The PDF place preference properties that define how PDF files are placed in the current document. |
performanceMetrics | Array of number | readonly | The available performance metrics. |
placeableFileExtensions | Array of string | readonly | Lists the extensions of file types that can be placed. |
placeableFileTypes | Array of string | readonly | Lists the types of files that can be placed. |
polygonPreferences | PolygonPreference | readonly | Polygon preference properties to use to define default settings for creating a polygon. |
preferences | Preferences Preference | readonly | A collection of preferences objects. |
preflightBookOptions | PreflightBookOption | readonly | Preflight book option settings. |
preflightOptions | PreflightOption | readonly | Preflight option settings. |
preflightProcesses | PreflightProcesses | readonly | A collection of preflight processes. |
preflightProfiles | PreflightProfiles PreflightProfile | readonly | A collection of preflight profiles. |
preflightRules | PreflightRules PreflightRule | readonly | A collection of preflight rules. |
printerPresets | PrinterPresets PrinterPreset | readonly | A collection of printer presets. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
redoHistory | Array of string | readonly | The names of the items in the redo stack. |
redoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the redo stack. |
scriptArgs | ScriptArg | readonly | Arguments to pass to a script. |
scriptMenuActions | ScriptMenuActions ScriptMenuAction | readonly | A collection of script menu actions. |
scriptPreferences | ScriptPreference | readonly | Script preferences. |
selection | Array of NothingEnum Object Object |
r/w | The selected object(s). Can also accept: Object or NothingEnum enumerator. |
serialNumber | string | readonly | The user's serial number. |
smartGuidePreferences | SmartGuidePreference | readonly | Smart Guide preference properties. |
spellPreferences | SpellPreference | readonly | Spell-check preferences. |
storyGridData | StoryGridDataInformation | readonly | Default properties specific to frame grids. |
storyPreferences | StoryPreference | readonly | Story preference settings. |
storyWindows | StoryWindows StoryWindow | readonly | A collection of story windows. |
stripedStrokeStyles | StripedStrokeStyles StripedStrokeStyle | readonly | A collection of striped stroke styles. |
strokeFillProxySettings | StrokeFillProxySetting | readonly | Stroke/fill proxy settings. |
strokeStyles | StrokeStyles StrokeStyle | readonly | A collection of stroke styles. |
swatches | Swatches | readonly | A collection of swatches. |
swfExportPreferences | SWFExportPreference | readonly | SWF export preferences. |
tableStyleGroups | TableStyleGroups TableStyleGroup | readonly | A collection of table style groups. |
tableStyles | TableStyles TableStyle | readonly | A collection of table styles. |
taggedPDFPreferences | TaggedPDFPreference | readonly | Tagged PDF preferences. |
taggedTextExportPreferences | TaggedTextExportPreference | readonly | Tagged text export preferences. |
taggedTextImportPreferences | TaggedTextImportPreference | readonly | Tagged text import preferences. |
textDefaults | TextDefault | readonly | Text default settings. |
textEditingPreferences | TextEditingPreference | readonly | Text editing preference settings. |
textExportPreferences | TextExportPreference | readonly | Text export preferences. |
textFramePreferences | TextFramePreference | readonly | Text frame preference settings. |
textImportPreferences | TextImportPreference | readonly | Text import preferences. |
textPreferences | TextPreference | readonly | Text preference settings. |
textVariables | TextVariables TextVariable | readonly | A collection of text variables. |
textWrapPreferences | TextWrapPreference | readonly | The text wrap preference properties that define the default formatting for wrapping text around objects. |
tints | Tints Tint | readonly | A collection of tints. |
toolBoxTools | ToolBox | readonly | The current tool box states |
trackChangesPreferences | TrackChangesPreference | readonly | Track changes preference settings. |
transformPreferences | TransformPreference | readonly | Transform preference properties that define default behaviors when transforming objects. Note: Transforming includes rotation, scaling, flipping, and shearing. |
transformationMatrices | TransformationMatrices | readonly | A collection of transformation matrices. |
transparencyPreferences | TransparencyPreference | readonly | Transparency preference settings. |
trapPresets | TrapPresets TrapPreset | readonly | A collection of trap presets. |
undoHistory | Array of string | readonly | The names of the items in the undo stack. |
undoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the undo stack. |
unusedSwatches | Array of Swatch | readonly | The swatches that are not being used. |
userColor | 3 Reals (0 - 255) InCopyUIColors |
r/w | The color assigned to the tracked changes and notes created by the user, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as an InCopy UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or InCopyUIColors enumerator. |
userDictionaries | UserDictionaries UserDictionary | readonly | A collection of user dictionaries. |
userName | string | r/w | The user associated with the tracked changes and notes. |
version | string | readonly | The application version. |
viewPreferences | ViewPreference | readonly | View preference settings. |
visible | bool | readonly | If true, the Application is visible. |
watermarkPreferences | WatermarkPreference | readonly | Watermark preferences |
windows | Windows Window | readonly | A collection of windows. |
wordRTFImportPreferences | WordRTFImportPreference | readonly | Word and RTF import preferences. |
xflExportPreferences | XFLExportPreference | readonly | XFL export preferences. |
xmlExportMaps | XMLExportMaps XMLExportMap | readonly | A collection of XML export maps. |
xmlExportPreferences | XMLExportPreference | readonly | XML export preference settings. |
xmlImportMaps | XMLImportMaps XMLImportMap | readonly | A collection of XML import maps. |
xmlImportPreferences | XMLImportPreference | readonly | XML import preference settings. |
xmlPreferences | XMLPreference | readonly | The XML preference settings. |
xmlRuleProcessors | XMLRuleProcessors XMLRuleProcessor | readonly | A collection of XML rule processors. |
xmlTags | XMLTags XMLTag | readonly | A collection of XML tags. |
xmlViewPreferences | XMLViewPreference | readonly | XML view preference settings. |
Property | Type | Access | Description |
AFTER_ACTIVATE | string | readonly | Dispatched after the Application becomes active. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterActivate) |
AFTER_CLOSE | string | readonly | Dispatched after a Document is closed. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterClose) |
AFTER_CONTEXT_CHANGED | string | readonly | Dispatched after the active context changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterContextChanged) |
AFTER_QUIT | string | readonly | Dispatched when the Application is quitting. Since the quit has been committed, it can not be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterQuit) |
AFTER_SELECTION_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED | string | readonly | Dispatched after an attribute on the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterSelectionAttributeChanged) |
AFTER_SELECTION_CHANGED | string | readonly | Dispatched after the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterSelectionChanged) |
BEFORE_DEACTIVATE | string | readonly | Dispatched before the Application becomes inactive. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: beforeDeactivate) |
BEFORE_NEW | string | readonly | Dispatched before a Document is created. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable. (default: beforeNew) |
BEFORE_OPEN | string | readonly | Dispatched before a Document is opened. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable. (default: beforeOpen) |
BEFORE_QUIT | string | readonly | Dispatched before the Application is quit. Allows the quit to be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable. (default: beforeQuit) |
void activate ()
Makes the application the front-most or active window.
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
varies[, captures:
Adds an event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
void applyMenuCustomization ([name:
Applies the specified menu customization set. An empty string will reset all menus and colorization (Show Full Menus). No string will apply the default menu set.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The menu customization set. (Optional) |
void applyShortcutSet ([name:
Applies the specified shortcut set file. No string will apply the default shortcut set.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The shortcut set. (Optional) |
void applyWorkspace ([name:
Applies the specified workspace.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The workspace. (Optional) |
bool areFilePathsEquivalent (baselinePath:
File, comparisonPath:
Check to see if two file paths refer to the same file location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
baselinePath | File | The baseline path. |
comparisonPath | File | The path to compare against the baseline. |
void cancelAllTasks ()
Cancels all the background tasks.
void cascadeWindows ()
Cascades all document windows.
Array of Text changeGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of PageItem changeObject ([reverseOrder:
Finds objects that match the find what value and replace the objects with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeTransliterate ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find character type value and replaces the text with the change character type value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
void clearFrameFittingOptions ()
Removes the frame fittings options and resets it to the initial state.
void copy ()
Copies the selection in the active document window to the clipboard.
void createCustomMiniFolio (miniFolioDescription:
Array of varies, destination:
Create a mini-folio out of asset and overlay descriptions.
Parameter | Type | Description |
miniFolioDescription | Array of : Array of Any Types File Long Integer Long Long Integer Ordered array containing key:String String value:Boolean | A dictionary describing the custom mini folio to create. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:Boolean, Long Integer, Long Long Integer, String, File or Array of Any Types. |
destination | File | The location to write the file. |
void cut ()
Cuts the selection in the active document window and stores it in the clipboard.
void deleteFindChangeQuery (queryName:
string, searchMode:
Deletes the specified find/change query.
Parameter | Type | Description |
queryName | string | The query to delete. |
searchMode | SearchModes: SearchModes.TEXT_SEARCH SearchModes.GREP_SEARCH SearchModes.GLYPH_SEARCH SearchModes.OBJECT_SEARCH | The search mode. |
void deleteUnusedTags ()
Deletes unused XML markup tags.
any doScript (script:
varies[, language:
ScriptLanguage=ScriptLanguage.UNKNOWN][, withArguments:
Array of any][, undoMode:
UndoModes=UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST][, undoName:
Executes the script in the specified language as a single transaction.
Parameter | Type | Description |
script | File JavaScript Function String | The script to execute. Can accept: File, String or JavaScript Function. |
language | ScriptLanguage: ScriptLanguage.UNKNOWN ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE | The language of the script to execute. If not specified, uses the language used to call this method. (Optional) (default: ScriptLanguage.UNKNOWN) |
withArguments | Array of any | An array of arguments passed to the script. (Optional) |
undoMode | UndoModes: UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT UndoModes.AUTO_UNDO UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT | How to undo this script. (Optional) (default: UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST) |
undoName | string | The name of the undo step for entire script undo mode. (Optional) (default: Script) |
void dumpBetweenMemoryMarks (from:
number, to:
Dumps memory allocations from all marks in the specified range.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | number | The first mark in the range. |
to | number | The last mark in the range. |
void dumpFromMemoryMark (from:
Dumps memory allocations from the specified mark.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | number | The mark from which to dump memory. |
void exportFolioToDirectory (destination:
File, miniFolioList:
varies, folioMetadata:
Array of varies[, setFolioCreationDate:
Date][, setFolioUpdateDate:
Date][, setFolioOrientation:
FolioOrientationOptions][, bindingDirection:
FolioBindingDirectionOptions][, folioCsidMap:
Array of varies][, directoriesToPackage:
varies][, exportFolioParams:
Array of varies])
Export the selected documents to a directory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
destination | File | The directory to write the folio. |
miniFolioList | Array of Files File | The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
folioMetadata | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. |
setFolioCreationDate | Date | Optional creation date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioUpdateDate | Date | Optional update date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioOrientation | FolioOrientationOptions: FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT FolioOrientationOptions.LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT_AND_LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.AUTO | Optional orientation for the folio (defaults to both). (Optional) |
bindingDirection | FolioBindingDirectionOptions: FolioBindingDirectionOptions.LEFT FolioBindingDirectionOptions.RIGHT | Right-Edge or Left-Edge binding. (Optional) |
folioCsidMap | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Content stack ID map. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional) |
directoriesToPackage | Array of Files File | Additional directories to package into the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. (Optional) |
exportFolioParams | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
void exportFolioToDirectoryPackage (destination:
File, miniFolioList:
varies, folioMetadata:
Array of varies[, setFolioCreationDate:
Date][, setFolioUpdateDate:
Date][, setFolioOrientation:
FolioOrientationOptions][, bindingDirection:
FolioBindingDirectionOptions][, folioCsidMap:
Array of varies][, directoriesToPackage:
varies][, exportFolioParams:
Array of varies])
Export the selected documents to a compressed folio file that contains non-compressed mini folios.
Parameter | Type | Description |
destination | File | The location to write the package. |
miniFolioList | Array of Files File | The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
folioMetadata | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. |
setFolioCreationDate | Date | Optional creation date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioUpdateDate | Date | Optional update date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioOrientation | FolioOrientationOptions: FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT FolioOrientationOptions.LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT_AND_LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.AUTO | Optional orientation for the folio (defaults to both). (Optional) |
bindingDirection | FolioBindingDirectionOptions: FolioBindingDirectionOptions.LEFT FolioBindingDirectionOptions.RIGHT | Right-Edge or Left-Edge binding. (Optional) |
folioCsidMap | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Content stack ID map. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional) |
directoriesToPackage | Array of Files File | Additional directories to package into the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. (Optional) |
exportFolioParams | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
void exportFolioToPackage (destination:
File, miniFolioList:
varies, folioMetadata:
Array of varies[, setFolioCreationDate:
Date][, setFolioUpdateDate:
Date][, setFolioOrientation:
FolioOrientationOptions][, bindingDirection:
FolioBindingDirectionOptions][, folioCsidMap:
Array of varies][, directoriesToPackage:
varies][, exportFolioParams:
Array of varies])
Export the selected documents to a compressed folio file that contains compressed mini folios.
Parameter | Type | Description |
destination | File | The location to write the package. |
miniFolioList | Array of Files File | The mini folio(es) to add to the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
folioMetadata | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Meta data for the folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. |
setFolioCreationDate | Date | Optional creation date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioUpdateDate | Date | Optional update date for the folio. (Optional) |
setFolioOrientation | FolioOrientationOptions: FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT FolioOrientationOptions.LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.PORTRAIT_AND_LANDSCAPE FolioOrientationOptions.AUTO | Optional orientation for the folio (defaults to both). (Optional) |
bindingDirection | FolioBindingDirectionOptions: FolioBindingDirectionOptions.LEFT FolioBindingDirectionOptions.RIGHT | Right-Edge or Left-Edge binding. (Optional) |
folioCsidMap | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Content stack ID map. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional) |
directoriesToPackage | Array of Files File | Additional directories to package into the folio. Can accept: File or Array of Files. (Optional) |
exportFolioParams | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Additional options for export folios. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
Array of string exportMiniFolio (portraitDocument:
Document, landscapeDocument:
Document, destination:
File[, miniFolioParams:
Array of varies][, folioMetadata:
Array of varies])
Export the specified documents to a mini-folio.
Parameter | Type | Description |
portraitDocument | Document | The InDesign document for the stack's portrait orientation. |
landscapeDocument | Document | The InDesign document for the stack's landscape orientation. |
destination | File | The location to write the file. |
miniFolioParams | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Options for exporting a mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
folioMetadata | Array of : Ordered array containing key:String value:String | Optional meta data for the mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing key:String, value:String. (Optional) |
void exportPresets (format:
ExportPresetFormat, to:
File[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Export the presets to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportPresetFormat: ExportPresetFormat.PDF_EXPORT_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.PRINTER_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.FLATTENER_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.DOCUMENT_PRESETS_FORMAT | The preset format. |
to | File | The file to export to. |
versionComments | string | The comments for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void exportStrokeStyles (to:
File, strokeStyleList:
Array of StrokeStyle[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Exports stroke styles or presets.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The file to save to |
strokeStyleList | Array of StrokeStyle | The list of stroke styles to save |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version (Optional) (default: false) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
Array of Text findGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of string findKeyStrings (for:
Returns the locale-independent string(s) from the internal string localization database that correspond to the specified string (in the current locale).
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | string | The string to search for. |
Array of PageItem findObject ([reverseOrder:
Finds objects that match the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findTransliterate ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find character type value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
void generateIDMLSchema (to:
File[, packageFormat:
Generate schema for IDML.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The folder path of the schema. |
packageFormat | bool | If true, generate schema for package format (multiple files). Default value is false. (Optional) |
Array of any getAllOverlays (portraitDocumentForCheckingOverlays:
Document, landscapeDocumentForCheckingOverlays:
Document[, miniFolioParams:
Array of varies])
Get all overlays.
Parameter | Type | Description |
portraitDocumentForCheckingOverlays | Document | The portrait document for checking overlays. |
landscapeDocumentForCheckingOverlays | Document | The landscape document for checking overlays. |
miniFolioParams | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Options for exporting a mini folio. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
Array of Application getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
Color importAdobeSwatchbookProcessColor (name:
Imports a process color swatch from a preloaded Adobe color book.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The process color to load. |
Color importAdobeSwatchbookSpotColor (name:
Imports a spot color swatch from an Adobe color book.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The spot color to load. |
void importFile (format:
ExportPresetFormat, from:
Imports presets from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportPresetFormat: ExportPresetFormat.PDF_EXPORT_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.PRINTER_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.FLATTENER_PRESETS_FORMAT ExportPresetFormat.DOCUMENT_PRESETS_FORMAT | The type of preset to import. |
from | File | The file to import presets from. |
void importStyles (format:
ImportFormat, from:
File[, globalStrategy:
Imports the specified styles.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The file containing the styles you want to import. |
globalStrategy | GlobalClashResolutionStrategy: GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_RENAME GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.DO_NOT_LOAD_THE_STYLE | The resolution strategy to employ for imported styles that have the same names as existing styles. (Optional) (default: GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE) |
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
void loadConditions (from:
File[, loadConditionSets:
Load conditions from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the file that contains the conditions. |
loadConditionSets | bool | If true, load the condition sets as well. (Optional) |
void loadFindChangeQuery (queryName:
string, searchMode:
Loads the specified find/change query.
Parameter | Type | Description |
queryName | string | The query to load. |
searchMode | SearchModes: SearchModes.TEXT_SEARCH SearchModes.GREP_SEARCH SearchModes.GLYPH_SEARCH SearchModes.OBJECT_SEARCH | The search mode. |
MotionPreset loadMotionPreset (from:
Load motion preset from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The Flash motion preset file. |
PreflightProfile loadPreflightProfile (from:
Load preflight profile from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The InDesign preflight profile file or InDesign document. |
void loadSwatches (from:
Load swatches from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The swatch file or InDesign document. |
void loadXMLTags (from:
Loads a set of XML markup tags from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the file that contains the tags. |
Array of number memoryStatistics ()
Gets the memory statistics from the server.
void mountProject (serverURL:
string, projectName:
Mount a Version Cue project.
Parameter | Type | Description |
serverURL | string | The URL of the Version Cue server containing the project |
projectName | string | The name of the Version Cue project to mount |
any open (from:
varies[, showingWindow:
bool=true][, openOption:
Opens the specified document, book, or library.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | Array of Files File | The file path(s) to the document, book, or library. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
showingWindow | bool | If true, opens the document in a window. If false, the document is opened but is not displayed in a window. (Optional) (default: true) |
openOption | OpenOptions: OpenOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE OpenOptions.OPEN_ORIGINAL OpenOptions.OPEN_COPY | How to open the document. (Optional) (default: OpenOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE) |
void packageUCF (sourceFolder:
File, ucfFile:
File[, mimeMediaType:
Package a folder into a UCF file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
sourceFolder | File | The folder to be packaged into an IDML file. Does not validate structure of the folder pursuant to the IDML spec. Caller is responsible for making sure the files in the folder are correctly organized. |
ucfFile | File | The destination UCF file. Will be overwritten if it already exists. |
mimeMediaType | string | The MIME media type, default value identifies package as IDML. (Optional) (default: application/vnd.adobe.indesign-idml-package) |
void paste ()
Pastes data from the clipboard into the active document window.
void pasteInPlace ()
Pastes data from the clipboard into the active document window at the same position that the data held in its original document.
void pasteInto ()
Pastes data from the clipboard into the selected object in the active document window.
void pasteWithoutFormatting ()
Pastes data (minus formatting) from the clipboard into the active document window.
any performanceMetric (for:
Gets the current value of the specified performance metric.
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | Long Integer PerformanceMetricOptions | The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator. |
string performanceMetricLongName (for:
Gets the long name of the specified performance metric.
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | Long Integer PerformanceMetricOptions | The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator. |
string performanceMetricShortName (for:
Gets the short name of the specified performance metric.
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | Long Integer PerformanceMetricOptions | The status to get from InDesign. Can accept: Long Integer or PerformanceMetricOptions enumerator. |
void place (fileName:
varies[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, withProperties:
Place one or more files following the behavior of the place menu item. This may load the place gun or replace the selected object, depending on current preferences.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | Array of Files File | One or more files to place. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
showingOptions | bool | Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional) (default: false) |
withProperties | Object | Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional) |
void print (from:
varies[, printDialog:
bool][, using:
Prints the specified file(s).
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | Array of Files File | One or more file paths. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
printDialog | bool | Whether to invoke the print dialog (Optional) |
using | PrinterPreset PrinterPresetTypes | Printer preset to use. Can accept: PrinterPresetTypes enumerator or PrinterPreset. (Optional) |
void quit ([saving:
Quits the application.
Parameter | Type | Description |
saving | SaveOptions: SaveOptions.NO SaveOptions.ASK SaveOptions.YES | The option to use for saving changes to open documents before quitting. (Optional) (default: SaveOptions.ASK) |
void rasterizeDocumentPage (document:
Document, index:
number, width:
number, height:
number, to:
File[, params:
Array of varies][, cropBox:
Array of number])
Rasterize a document's page
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | Document | The document to rasterize |
index | number | The page index to rasterize |
width | number | The width of the raster |
height | number | The height of the raster |
to | File | The file to which the raster should be saved |
params | Array of : dataValue:Any Type Ordered array containing dataField:String | Params. Can accept: Ordered array containing dataField:String, dataValue:Any Type. (Optional) |
cropBox | Array of number | Bounds to crop the image with, specified as an array of four real numbers in page coordinates: [top, left, bottom, right]. (Optional) |
void redo ()
Redoes the last action.
bool removeEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
varies[, captures:
Removes the event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The registered event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
void saveFindChangeQuery (queryName:
string, searchMode:
Saves the specified find/change query.
Parameter | Type | Description |
queryName | string | The query to save. |
searchMode | SearchModes: SearchModes.TEXT_SEARCH SearchModes.GREP_SEARCH SearchModes.GLYPH_SEARCH SearchModes.OBJECT_SEARCH | The search mode. |
void saveSwatches (to:
File, swatchList:
Array of Swatch[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Saves the specified swatch(es) to a swatchbook file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The swatchbook file to save to. |
swatchList | Array of Swatch | The swatch(es) to save. |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void saveXMLTags (to:
File[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Saves a set of tags to an external file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The full path to the file in which to save the tags. |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void select (selectableItems:
varies[, existingSelection:
Selects the specified object(s).
Parameter | Type | Description |
selectableItems | Array of Objects NothingEnum Object SelectAll | The objects to select. Can accept: Object, Array of Objects, NothingEnum enumerator or SelectAll enumerator. |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH | The selection status of the Application in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
void setApplicationPreferences (applicationPreferences:
Sets the application's preferences.
Parameter | Type | Description |
applicationPreferences | File LanguageAndRegion | The IDML defaults file or enumeration. Can accept: File or LanguageAndRegion enumerator. |
void tileWindows ()
Tile all document windows
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Application.
string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.
void togglePanelSystemVisibility ()
Toggles the visibility of the entire panel system.
string translateKeyString (for:
Translates a key string into localized form based on current application locale.
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | string | The key string to translate |
void undo ()
Undoes the last action.
void unpackageUCF (ucfFile:
File, destinationFolder:
Unpackage a UCF file into a folder structure.
Parameter | Type | Description |
ucfFile | File | The UCF file to be unpackaged. |
destinationFolder | File | The folder where you would like the UCF file unpackaged to. Will be created if it does not exist. |
void updateFonts ()
Forces a check for new fonts in the various Fonts folders.
Array of TaskState waitForAllTasks ()
Waits for all the background tasks to finish.
Element of
Array of Application Application.getElements ()
Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3i | Contents :: Index |