Adobe Illustrator CS5 Type Library JS: ColorDestination

Illustrator CS5

 PDF destination profile.


ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONDOCCMYKConverts all colors to the profile selected for Destination. int 1
ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONDOCRGBPreserves color numbers for untagged content in the same color space as the destination profile. Not available with CMS off. int 3
ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONPROFILEPreserves color numbers for untagged content in the same color space as the destination profile. Not available with CMS off. int 5
ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONWORKINGCMYKPreserves color numbers for untagged content in the same color space as the destination profile. Not available with CMS off. int 2
ColorDestination.COLORDESTINATIONWORKINGRGBPreserves color numbers for untagged content in the same color space as the destination profile. Not available with CMS off. int 4
ColorDestination.NoneN/A. int 0


As property


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