
IUP - Portable User Interface


Displays a dialog in a given position on the screen.


int IupShowXY(Ihandle *element, int x, int y); [in C]
IupShowXY(element: ihandle, x, y: number) -> (ret: number) [in IupLua3]
iup.ShowXY(element: ihandle, x, y: number) -> (ret: number) [in IupLua5]
or element:showxy(x, y: number) -> (ret: number) [in IupLua]

element: identifier of the dialog.
x: x coordinate of the dialog’s left corner. The following macros are valid:

  • IUP_LEFT: Positions the dialog on the left corner of the screen
  • IUP_CENTER: Horizontally centralizes the dialog on the screen
  • IUP_RIGHT: Positions the dialog on the right corner of the screen
  • IUP_MOUSEPOS: Positions the dialog on the mouse position

y: y coordinate of the dialog’s upper part. The following macros are valid:

  • IUP_TOP: Positions the dialog on the top of the screen
  • IUP_CENTER: Vertically centralizes the dialog on the screen
  • IUP_BOTTOM: Positions the dialog on the base of the screen
  • IUP_MOUSEPOS: Positions the dialog on the mouse position

This function returns IUP_NOERROR if the element was displayed.


This function can be executed more than once for the same dialog. This will make the dialog be placed above all other dialogs in the application.

See Also

IupShow, IupHide, IupPopup.