
IUP - Portable User Interface


Shows a modal dialog to edit a multiline text.

Creation and Show

int IupGetText(char* title, char *text); [in C]
IupGetText(title, text: string) -> (text: string) [in IupLua3]
iup.GetText(title, text: string) -> (text: string) [in IupLua5]

text: It contains the initial value of the text and the returned text. It must have room for the edited string.

The function returns a non zero value if successfull. In Lua if an error occured returns nil.


The dialog uses a global attribute called "PARENTDIALOG" as the parent dialog if it is defined. It also uses a global attribute called "ICON" as the dialog icon if it is defined.

See Also

IupMessage, IupScanf, IupListDialog, IupAlarm, IupSetLanguage.