IupMask - controle

IUP - Portable User Interface


Functions to associate an input mask to a IupText or a IupMatrix element.

These functions are included in the Controls Library.

See the Pattern Specification for information on patterns.


int iupMaskSet(Ihandle *h, char *mask, int autofill, int casei) [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskMatSet(Ihandle *h, char *mask, int autofill, int casei, int lin, int col); [in C or in IupLua]

These functions are responsible for setting the mask to be used.

h: Ihandle of IupText or IupMatrix
mask: Mask to be used
autofill: When “1”, turns the auto-fill mode on. In auto-fill mode, whenever possible, literal characters will be automatically added to the field
casei: When “1”, uppercase or lowercase characters will be treated indistinctly 
lin, col
: Line and column numbers in the matrix

They return 1 if the mask is set, or 0 if there is an error (e.g., invalid mask).

int iupMaskSetInt(Ihandle *h, int autofill, int min, int max); [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskSetFloat(Ihandle *h, int autofill, float min, float max); [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskMatSetInt(Ihandle *h, int autofill, int min, int   max, int lin, int col); [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskMatSetFloat(Ihandle *h, int autofill, float min, float max, int lin, int col); [in C or in IupLua]

These functions set a mask that defines a limit to the typed number. Works only for integers and floats. Limitations: since the validation process is performed key by key, the user cannot type intermediate numbers (even inside the limit) if they are not following predetermined rules

h: Ihandle of IupText or IupMatrix
autofill: When “1”, turns the auto-fill mode on. In auto-fill mode, whenever possible, literal characters will be automatically added to the field
min: Minimum value accepted in the field
max: Maximum value accepted in the field
lin, col: Line and column numbers in the matrix

They always return 1.

int iupMaskRemove(Ihandle *h) [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskMatRemove(Ihandle *h, int lin, int col); [in C or in IupLua]

These functions are responsible for removing the mask from the control.

h: Ihandle of IupText or IupMatrix
lin, col: Line and column numbers in the matrix

int iupMaskCheck (Ihandle *h); [in C or in IupLua]
int iupMaskMatCheck(Ihandle *h, int lin, int col); [in C or in IupLua]

These functions verify if what was typed by the user is valid for the defined mask.

h: Ihandle of IupText or IupMatrix
lin, col: Line and column numbers in the matrix

They return 1 if the text satisfies the mask, or 0 otherwise.

int iupMaskGet(Ihandle *h, char **val); [in C]
int iupMaskGetFloat(Ihandle *h, float *fval); [in C]
int iupMaskGetInt(Ihandle *h, int *ival); [in C]
int iupMaskMatGet(Ihandle *h, char **val, int lin, int col); [in C]
int iupMaskMatGetFloat(Ihandle *h, float  *fval, int lin, int col); [in C]
int iupMaskMatGetDouble(Ihandle *h, double *dval, int lin, int col); [in C]
int iupMaskMatGetInt(Ihandle *h, int *ival, int lin, int col);

These functions check if the mask is complete, and they retrieve the field’s value in only one call.

h: Ihandle of IupText or IupMatrix
val, fval, ival: Pointers used to complete the return value
lin, col: Line and column numbers in the matrix.

They return 1 if the text satisfies the mask, or 0 otherwise.


User callbacks previously associated to the text-editing field or to the Matrix field (that is, before the iupMaskSet function is called) will be called by the library if the pressed key satisfies the mask. Attention: for the callback to be actually called, the user must call not only IupSetAttribute, but also IupSetFunction before setting the mask.

To make the use of masks simpler, the following predefined masks were created:

IUPMASK_FLOAT - Float number
IUPMASK_UFLOAT - Float number with no sign
IUPMASK_EFLOAT - Float number with exponential notation
IUPMASK_INT - Integer number
IUPMASK_UINT - Integer number with no sign
