00001 /** \file
00002 * \brief Image Statistics and Analysis
00003 *
00004 * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
00005 * $Id: Exp $
00006 */
00008 #ifndef __IM_PROC_ANA_H
00009 #define __IM_PROC_ANA_H
00011 #include "im_image.h"
00013 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00014 extern "C" {
00015 #endif
00019 /** \defgroup stats Image Statistics Calculations
00020 * \par
00021 * Operations to calculate some statistics over images.
00022 * \par
00023 * See \ref im_process_ana.h
00024 * \ingroup process */
00026 /** Calculates the RMS error between 2 images (Root Mean Square Error).
00027 * \ingroup stats */
00028 float imCalcRMSError(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00030 /** Calculates the SNR of an image and its noise (Signal Noise Ratio).
00031 * \ingroup stats */
00032 float imCalcSNR(const imImage* src_image, const imImage* noise_image);
00034 /** Count the number of different colors in an image. \n
00035 * Image must be IM_BYTE, but all color spaces except IM_CMYK.
00036 * \ingroup stats */
00037 unsigned long imCalcCountColors(const imImage* src_image);
00039 /** Calculates the histogram of a IM_BYTE data. \n
00040 * Histogram is always 256 positions long. \n
00041 * When accum is different from zero it calculates the accumulative histogram.
00042 * \ingroup stats */
00043 void imCalcHistogram(const unsigned char* data, int count, unsigned long* histo, int accum);
00045 /** Calculates the histogram of a IM_USHORT data. \n
00046 * Histogram is always 65535 positions long. \n
00047 * When accum is different from zero it calculates the accumulative histogram.
00048 * \ingroup stats */
00049 void imCalcUShortHistogram(const unsigned short* data, int count, unsigned long* histo, int accum);
00051 /** Calculates the gray histogram of an image. \n
00052 * Image must be IM_BYTE/(IM_RGB, IM_GRAY, IM_BINARY or IM_MAP). \n
00053 * If the image is IM_RGB then the histogram of the luma component is calculated. \n
00054 * Histogram is always 256 positions long. \n
00055 * When accum is different from zero it calculates the accumulative histogram.
00056 * \ingroup stats */
00057 void imCalcGrayHistogram(const imImage* src_image, unsigned long* histo, int accum);
00059 /** Numerical Statistics Structure
00060 * \ingroup stats */
00061 typedef struct _imStats
00062 {
00063 float max; /**< Maximum value */
00064 float min; /**< Minimum value */
00065 unsigned long positive; /**< Number of Positive Values */
00066 unsigned long negative; /**< Number of Negative Values */
00067 unsigned long zeros; /**< Number of Zeros */
00068 float mean; /**< Mean */
00069 float stddev; /**< Standard Deviation */
00070 } imStats;
00072 /** Calculates the statistics about the image data. \n
00073 * There is one stats for each depth plane. For ex: stats[0]=red stats, stats[0]=green stats, ... \n
00074 * Supports all data types except IM_COMPLEX. \n
00075 * \ingroup stats */
00076 void imCalcImageStatistics(const imImage* src_image, imStats* stats);
00078 /** Calculates the statistics about the image histogram data.\n
00079 * There is one stats for each depth plane. For ex: stats[0]=red stats, stats[0]=green stats, ... \n
00080 * Only IM_BYTE images are supported.
00081 * \ingroup stats */
00082 void imCalcHistogramStatistics(const imImage* src_image, imStats* stats);
00084 /** Calculates some extra statistics about the image histogram data.\n
00085 * There is one stats for each depth plane. \n
00086 * Only IM_BYTE images are supported. \n
00087 * mode will be -1 if more than one max is found.
00088 * \ingroup stats */
00089 void imCalcHistoImageStatistics(const imImage* src_image, int* median, int* mode);
00093 /** \defgroup analyze Image Analysis
00094 * \par
00095 * See \ref im_process_ana.h
00096 * \ingroup process */
00098 /** Find white regions in binary image. \n
00099 * Result is IM_USHORT type. Regions can be 4 connected or 8 connected. \n
00100 * Returns the number of regions found. Background is marked as 0.
00101 * \ingroup analyze */
00102 int imAnalyzeFindRegions(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int connect);
00104 /** Measure the actual area of all regions. Holes are not included. \n
00105 * This is the number of pixels of each region. \n
00106 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00107 * data has size the number of regions.
00108 * \ingroup analyze */
00109 void imAnalyzeMeasureArea(const imImage* image, int* area);
00111 /** Measure the polygonal area limited by the perimeter line of all regions. Holes are not included. \n
00112 * Notice that some regions may have polygonal area zero. \n
00113 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00114 * data has size the number of regions.
00115 * \ingroup analyze */
00116 void imAnalyzeMeasurePerimArea(const imImage* image, float* perimarea);
00118 /** Calculate the centroid position of all regions. Holes are not included. \n
00119 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00120 * data has size the number of regions. If area is NULL will be internally calculated.
00121 * \ingroup analyze */
00122 void imAnalyzeMeasureCentroid(const imImage* image, const int* area, int region_count, float* cx, float* cy);
00124 /** Calculate the principal major axis slope of all regions. \n
00125 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00126 * data has size the number of regions. If area or centroid are NULL will be internally calculated. \n
00127 * Principal (major and minor) axes are defined to be those axes that pass through the
00128 * centroid, about which the moment of inertia of the region is, respectively maximal or minimal.
00129 * \ingroup analyze */
00130 void imAnalyzeMeasurePrincipalAxis(const imImage* image, const int* data_area, const float* cx, const float* cy,
00131 const int region_count, float* major_slope, float* major_length,
00132 float* minor_slope, float* minor_length);
00134 /** Measure the number and area of holes of all regions. \n
00135 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of \ref imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00136 * data has size the number of regions. If some data is NULL it will be not calculated.
00137 * \ingroup analyze */
00138 void imAnalyzeMeasureHoles(const imImage* image, int connect, int* holes_count, int* area, float* perim);
00140 /** Measure the total perimeter of all regions (external and internal). \n
00141 * Source image is IM_USHORT type (the result of imAnalyzeFindRegions). \n
00142 * It uses a half-pixel inter distance for 8 neighboors in a perimeter of a 4 connected region. \n
00143 * This function can also be used to measure line lenght. \n
00144 * data has size the number of regions.
00145 * \ingroup analyze */
00146 void imAnalyzeMeasurePerimeter(const imImage* image, float* perim);
00148 /** Isolates the perimeter line of gray integer images. Background is defined as being black (0). \n
00149 * It just checks if at least one of the 4 connected neighboors is non zero.
00150 * \ingroup analyze */
00151 void imProcessPerimeterLine(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image);
00153 /** Eliminates regions that have size outside the given interval. \n
00154 * Source and destiny are a binary images. Regions can be 4 connected or 8 connected. \n
00155 * Regions toutching the image border will also be eliminated. \n
00156 * Can be done in-place. end_size can be zero to ignore big objects.
00157 * \ingroup analyze */
00158 void imProcessPrune(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int connect, int start_size, int end_size);
00160 /** Fill holes inside white regions. \n
00161 * Source and destiny are a binary images. Regions can be 4 connected or 8 connected. \n
00162 * Can be done in-place.
00163 * \ingroup analyze */
00164 void imProcessFillHoles(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image, int connect);
00167 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00168 }
00169 #endif
00171 #endif