00001 /** \file
00002 * \brief Image Manipulation
00003 *
00004 * See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h
00005 * $Id: Exp $
00006 */
00008 #ifndef __IM_IMAGE_H
00009 #define __IM_IMAGE_H
00011 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00012 extern "C" {
00013 #endif
00016 /** \defgroup imgclass Image Structure
00017 *
00018 * \par
00019 * Base definitions and functions for image representation. \n
00020 * Only the image processing operations depends on these definitions,
00021 * Image Storage and Image Capture are completely independent.
00022 * \par
00023 * You can also initialize a structure with your own memory buffer, see \ref imImageInit.
00024 * To release the structure without releasing the buffer,
00025 * set "data[0]" to 0 before calling imImageDestroy.
00026 * \par
00027 * See \ref im_image.h
00028 * \ingroup imagerep */
00031 /** \brief Image Structure Definition.
00032 *
00033 * \par
00034 * An image representation than supports all the color spaces, but no alpha channel,
00035 * planes are always unpacked and the orientation is always bottom up.
00036 * \ingroup imgclass */
00037 typedef struct _imImage
00038 {
00039 /* main parameters */
00040 int width; /**< Number of columns */
00041 int height; /**< Number of lines. */
00042 int color_space; /**< Color space descriptor. */
00043 int data_type; /**< Data type descriptor. */
00045 /* secondary parameters */
00046 int depth; /**< Number of planes (ColorSpaceDepth) */
00047 int line_size; /**< Number of bytes per line in one plane (width * DataTypeSize) */
00048 int plane_size; /**< Number of bytes per plane. (line_size * height) */
00049 int size; /**< Number of bytes occupied by the image (plane_size * depth) */
00050 int count; /**< Number of pixels (width * height) */
00052 /* image data */
00053 void** data; /**< Image data organized as a 2D matrix with several planes.
00054 But plane 0 is also a pointer to the full data. (data[i] = data[0] + i*plane_size) */
00056 /* image attributes */
00057 long *palette; /**< Used when depth=1. Otherwise is NULL. */
00058 int palette_count; /**< The palette is always 256 colors allocated, but can have less colors used. */
00060 void* attrib_table; /**< in fact is a imAttribTable, but we hide this here */
00061 } imImage;
00064 /** Creates a new image.
00065 * \ingroup imgclass */
00066 imImage* imImageCreate(int width, int height, int color_space, int data_type);
00068 /** Initializes the image structure but does not allocates image data.
00069 * \ingroup imgclass */
00070 imImage* imImageInit(int width, int height, int color_space, int data_type, void* data_buffer, long* palette, int palette_count);
00072 /** Destroys the image and frees the memory used.
00073 * image data is destroyed only if it data[0] is not NULL.
00074 * \ingroup imgclass */
00075 void imImageDestroy(imImage* image);
00077 /** Changes the buffer size. Reallocate internal buffers if they are larger than original.
00078 * \ingroup imgclass */
00079 void imImageReshape(imImage* image, int width, int height);
00081 /** Copy image data and attributes from one image to another. \n
00082 * Images must have the same size and type.
00083 * \ingroup imgclass */
00084 void imImageCopy(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image);
00086 /** Copy image data only one image to another. \n
00087 * Images must have the same size and type.
00088 * \ingroup imgclass */
00089 void imImageCopyData(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image);
00091 /** Creates a copy of the image.
00092 * \ingroup imgclass */
00093 imImage* imImageDuplicate(const imImage* image);
00095 /** Creates a clone of the image. i.e. same attributes but ignore contents.
00096 * \ingroup imgclass */
00097 imImage* imImageClone(const imImage* image);
00099 /** Changes an extended attribute. \n
00100 * The data will be internally duplicated. \n
00101 * If data is NULL the attribute is removed. \n
00102 * If count is -1 and data_type is IM_BYTE then data is zero terminated.
00103 * \ingroup imgclass */
00104 void imImageSetAttribute(imImage* image, const char* attrib, int data_type, int count, const void* data);
00106 /** Returns an extended attribute. \n
00107 * Returns NULL if not found.
00108 * \ingroup imgclass */
00109 const void* imImageGetAttribute(const imImage* image, const char* attrib, int *data_type, int *count);
00111 /** Returns a list of the attribute names. \n
00112 * "attrib" must contain room enough for "attrib_count" names. Use "attrib=NULL" to return only the count.
00113 * \ingroup imgclass */
00114 void imImageGetAttributeList(const imImage* image, char** attrib, int *attrib_count);
00116 /** Sets all image data to zero.
00117 * \ingroup imgclass */
00118 void imImageClear(imImage* image);
00120 /** Indicates that the image can be viewed in common graphic devices.
00121 * Data type must be IM_BYTE. Color mode can be IM_RGB, IM_MAP, IM_GRAY or IM_BINARY.
00122 * \ingroup imgclass */
00123 int imImageIsBitmap(const imImage* image);
00125 /** Changes the image palette.
00126 * This will destroy the existing palette and replace it with the given palette buffer.
00127 * \ingroup imgclass */
00128 void imImageSetPalette(imImage* image, long* palette, int palette_count);
00130 /** Copies the image attributes from src to dst.
00131 * \ingroup imgclass */
00132 void imImageCopyAttributes(const imImage* src_image, imImage* dst_image);
00134 /** Returns 1 if the images match width and height. Returns 0 otherwise.
00135 * \ingroup imgclass */
00136 int imImageMatchSize(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00138 /** Returns 1 if the images match color mode and data type. Returns 0 otherwise.
00139 * \ingroup imgclass */
00140 int imImageMatchColor(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00142 /** Returns 1 if the images match width, height and data type. Returns 0 otherwise.
00143 * \ingroup imgclass */
00144 int imImageMatchDataType(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00146 /** Returns 1 if the images match width, height and color space. Returns 0 otherwise.
00147 * \ingroup imgclass */
00148 int imImageMatchColorSpace(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00150 /** Returns 1 if the images match in width, height, data type and color space. Returns 0 otherwise.
00151 * \ingroup imgclass */
00152 int imImageMatch(const imImage* image1, const imImage* image2);
00154 /** Loads an image from file. Returns NULL if failed.
00155 * This will call imFileReadImageInfo and imFileReadImageData.
00156 * \ingroup imgclass */
00157 imImage* imFileLoadImage(imFile* ifile, int index, int *error);
00159 /** Loads an image from file, but forces the image to be a bitmap.\n
00160 * Returns NULL if failed.
00161 * \ingroup imgclass */
00162 imImage* imFileLoadBitmap(imFile* ifile, int index, int *error);
00164 /** Saves the image to file. Returns error code. \n
00165 * This will call imFileWriteImageInfo and imFileWriteImageData.
00166 * \ingroup imgclass */
00167 int imFileSaveImage(imFile* ifile, const imImage* image);
00169 /** Loads an image from file. \n
00170 * Returns NULL if failed.
00171 * \ingroup imgclass */
00172 imImage* imImageLoad(const char* file_name, int index, int *error);
00174 /** Loads an image from file, but forces the image to be a bitmap. \n
00175 * Returns NULL if failed.
00176 * \ingroup imgclass */
00177 imImage* imImageLoadBitmap(const char* file_name, int index, int *error);
00179 /** Changes the image space from gray to binary by just changing color_space and the palette.
00180 * \ingroup imgclass */
00181 void imImageSetBinary(imImage* image);
00183 /** Changes a gray data into a binary data.
00184 * \ingroup imgclass */
00185 void imImageMakeBinary(imImage *image);
00187 /** Utility macro to draw the image in a CD library canvas.
00188 * Works only for data_type IM_BYTE, and color spaces: IM_RGB, IM_MAP, IMGRAY and IM_BINARY.
00189 * \ingroup imgclass */
00190 #define cdPutBitmap(_image, _x, _y, _w, _h, _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax) \
00191 { \
00192 if (_image->color_space == IM_RGB) \
00193 cdPutImageRectRGB(_image->width, _image->height, \
00194 (unsigned char*)_image->data[0], \
00195 (unsigned char*)_image->data[1], \
00196 (unsigned char*)_image->data[2], \
00197 _x, _y, _w, _h, _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax); \
00198 else \
00199 cdPutImageRectMap(_image->width, _image->height, \
00200 (unsigned char*)_image->data[0], _image->palette, \
00201 _x, _y, _w, _h, _xmin, _xmax, _ymin, _ymax); \
00202 }
00205 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00206 }
00207 #endif
00209 #endif