ZipEntry Members

IC Sharp Sharp Zip Lib

ICSharpCode SharpZipLib Class Library

ZipEntry Members

ZipEntry overview

Public Static Methods

CleanName Cleans a name making it conform to Zip file conventions. Devices names ('c:\') and UNC share names ('\\server\share') are removed and forward slashes ('\') are converted to back slashes ('/'). Names are made relative by trimming leading slashes which is compatible with the ZIP naming convention.
IsCompressionMethodSupportedOverloaded. Test a compression method to see if this library supports extracting data compressed with that method

Public Instance Constructors

ZipEntry Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the ZipEntry class.

Public Instance Properties

CanDecompress Get a value indicating wether this entry can be decompressed by the library.
CentralHeaderRequiresZip64 Get a value indicating wether the central directory entry requires Zip64 extensions to be stored.
Comment Gets/Sets the entry comment.
CompressedSize Gets/Sets the size of the compressed data.
CompressionMethod Gets/Sets the compression method. Only Deflated and Stored are supported.
Crc Gets/Sets the crc of the uncompressed data.
DateTime Gets/Sets the time of last modification of the entry.
DosTime Get/Set DosTime
ExternalFileAttributes Get/Set external file attributes as an integer. The values of this are operating system dependant see HostSystem for details
ExtraData Gets/Sets the extra data.
Flags Get/Set general purpose bit flag for entry
HasCrc Get a value indicating wether the entry has a CRC value available.
HostSystem Gets the compatability information for the external file attribute If the external file attributes are compatible with MS-DOS and can be read by PKZIP for DOS version 2.04g then this value will be zero. Otherwise the value will be non-zero and identify the host system on which the attributes are compatible.
IsCrypted Get/Set flag indicating if entry is encrypted. A simple helper routine to aid interpretation of flags
IsDirectory Gets a value indicating if the entry is a directory. however.
IsFile Get a value of true if the entry appears to be a file; false otherwise
IsUnicodeText Get / set a flag indicating wether entry name and comment text are encoded in Unicode UTF8
LocalHeaderRequiresZip64 Gets a value indicating if the entry requires Zip64 extensions to store the full entry values.
Name Returns the entry name. The path components in the entry should always separated by slashes ('/'). Dos device names like C: should also be removed. See the ZipNameTransform class, or CleanName
Offset Get/set offset for use in central header
Size Gets/Sets the size of the uncompressed data.
Version Get minimum Zip feature version required to extract this entry
VersionMadeBy Get the version made by for this entry or zero if unknown. The value / 10 indicates the major version number, and the value mod 10 is the minor version number
ZipFileIndex Get/Set index of this entry in Zip file

Public Instance Methods

Clone Creates a copy of this zip entry.
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
ForceZip64 Force this entry to be recorded using Zip64 extensions.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
IsCompressionMethodSupportedOverloaded. Test entry to see if data can be extracted.
IsZip64Forced Get a value indicating wether Zip64 extensions were forced.
ToString Gets the string representation of this ZipEntry.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

ZipEntry Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip Namespace