FileSystemScanner Members

IC Sharp Sharp Zip Lib

ICSharpCode SharpZipLib Class Library

FileSystemScanner Members

FileSystemScanner overview

Public Instance Constructors

FileSystemScanner Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the FileSystemScanner class.

Public Instance Fields

DirectoryFailure Delegate to invoke when a directory failure is detected.
FileFailure Delegate to invoke when a file failure is detected.
ProcessDirectory Delegate to invoke when a directory is processed.
ProcessFile Delegate to invoke when a file is processed.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
OnDirectoryFailure Raise the DirectoryFailure event.
OnFileFailure Raise the FileFailure event.
OnProcessDirectory Raise the ProcessDirectory event.
OnProcessFile Raise the ProcessFile event.
Scan Scan a directory.
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

FileSystemScanner Class | ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core Namespace