Installation of the GLUE program

Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation

Installation of the GLUE program

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The GLUE program was developed using the R statistical programming language. So, you should have it installed on your computer before you go further. The DSSAT installation disk has an option to install R, as shown below. You should select the “Install R” button so that R will be available for use in estimating genetic coefficients using the GLUE program.

Figure 1. Installation screen of DSSAT.


After installing R version 2.10.1 in your machine (from the DSSAT installation disk as shown above), you should configure R to be used with GLUE. The R program requires two packages, “MASS” and “xlsReadWrite”, to run the GLUE program. To install them, follow these steps:


Installing the R packages “MASS” and “xlsReadWrite”

1.Run R with Administrator privileges in sessions where you want to install packages. Do so by right-clicking on the R shortcut and selecting 'Run as Administrator'.
2.Using the File pull-down menu on R, Select “change dir…” and browse to the DSSAT45/Tools/GLUE/Install directory. Hit “OK” to close the window (Figure 2).


Figure 2. R File pull-down menu screen.



4.Using the File pull-down menu on R, Select “Source R code…” and select GLUE_setup.R and then hit “Open”. By selecting this file, both packages needed for GLUE (“MASS” and “xlsReadWrite”) will be installed (Figure 3).


Figure 3. R package selection screen.


5.A message will show up in the command space to show you the package has been successfully installed. The package R_packages_path.r does not need to be installed (Figure 4).

Figure 4. R message on the package installation process.


6.You can close R and go back to DSSAT.