User Members

Facebook API Wrapper

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The User type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method User
Initializes a new instance of the User class


  Name Description
Public method Checkin(Checkin)
Allows the application
Public method Checkin(String, String, String, String, String, String)
Allows the application
Public method CreateAlbum
Create a new Album
Public method CreateEvent
Create a new Event on behalf of the loggedin user
Public method CreateFriendList
Create a new FriendList
Protected method CreateOrGetCollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>) (Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Protected method DeleteObject (Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Fetch(String)
Retrieve the relevant data of the object from facebook server, according to the requested fields
(Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Public method Fetch(DynamicWrapper..::..eLoadOptions)
Retrieve the relevant data of the object from facebook server, according to the requested [!:eLoadOptions]
(Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetWrapped<(Of <<'(T>)>>) (Inherited from DynamicWrapper.)
Protected method InitializeAfterSet (Overrides DynamicWrapper..::..InitializeAfterSet()()()().)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method PostLink
Posts a Link on behalf of the loggedin user to this user's wall
Public method PostPhoto(String, String, String, String)
Posts a photo on behalf of the loggedin user to this user's wall
Public method PostPhoto(array<Byte>[]()[][], String, String, String, String)
Posts a photo on behalf of the loggedin user to this user's wall
Public method PostStatus
Posts a Status text on behalf of the loggedin user to this user's wall
Protected method RetrieveCollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>) (Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Public method ToString
If s_UseForamttedToStrings is set to true, returns the full name of the user, otherwise, return ToString()()()()
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public method WrapOrGet<(Of <<'(T>)>>) (Inherited from DynamicWrapper.)


  Name Description
Protected field m_DynamicData (Inherited from DynamicWrapper.)
Public field Static member sr_FieldsToLoad


  Name Description
Public property Albums
Gets the photo Albums this user has created.
Public property Bio
Gets the user's biograph
Public property Birthday
Gets the user's birthday
Public property Checkins
Gets the places that the user has checked-into as a collection of Checkin(Checkin) objects.
Public property Email
Gets the proxied or contact email address granted by the user
Public property Events
Gets the Events this user is attending.
Protected property FieldsToLoad (Overrides DynamicWrapper..::..FieldsToLoad.)
Public property FirstName
Gets the first name of the user
Public property FriendLists
Gets the user's FriendLists.
Public property Friends
Gets the user's [!:Friend]s
Public property Gender
Gets the middle name of the user
Public property Groups
Gets the Groups this user belongs to
Public property Hometown
Gets the City object respresnting the user's hometown
Public property Id
The id of the current facebook object
(Inherited from FacebookObject.)
Public property ImageLarge
Public property ImageNormal
Public property ImageSmall
Public property ImageSquare
Public property InboxThreads
Gets the InboxThread in this user's inbox.
Public property InterestedIn
Gets the genders the user is interested in
Public property Languages
Gets the languages the user speaks. Each language is a facebook Page
Public property LastName
Gets the last name of the user
Public property Link
Gets a link to the users profile page
Public property LoadState (Inherited from DynamicWrapper.)
Public property Locale
Gets the locale of the user containing the ISO Language Code and ISO Country Code
Public property Location
Gets the City object respresntinh the user's location
Public property MessageUpdates
Gets The updates in this user's inbox
Public property MiddleName
Gets the middle name of the user
Public property Name
Gets the name of the user
Public property NewsFeed
Gets the user's news feed (a collection of Posts)
Public property OnlineStatus
Gets the user's User..::..eOnlineStatus
Public property PhotosTaggedIn
Gets The Photos the user (or friend) is tagged in
Public property PictureLargeURL
Public property PictureNormalURL
Public property Pictures
Gets the PicturesColleciton object that holds the various types of pictures of this user object
Public property PictureSmallURL
Public property PictureSqaureURL
Public property Pokes
Gets The user's Poke.
Public property PostedLinks
Gets The user's posted Links.
Public property Posts
Gets the user's own Posts
Public property PostsTaggedIn
Gets The Posts the user is tagged in.
Public property Quotes
Gets the user's favorite quotes
Public property RelationshipStatus
Gets the user's Relationship Status
Public property Religion
Gets the user's religion
Public property SignificantOther
Gets the user's significant other (User)
Public property Statuses
Gets The user's Status updates
Public property TimeZone
Gets the logged-in user's timezone offset from UTC (Available only for the current user)
Public property UpdateTime
Gets the last time the user's profile was updated;
Public property UserName
Gets the user's Facebook username
Public property Verfied
Gets the user's account verification status (true/false)
Public property Videos
Gets The Videos this user has been tagged in.
Public property WallPosts
Gets the user's wall Posts

See Also