PostPhoto Method (Byte[], String, String, String, String)

Facebook API Wrapper

Collapse image Expand Image Copy image CopyHover image
Posts a photo on behalf of the loggedin user to this user's wall

Namespace: FacebookWrapper.ObjectModel
Assembly: FbGraphApiWrapper (in FbGraphApiWrapper.dll) Version: (


public Post PostPhoto(
	byte[] i_PhotoData,
	string i_Title = null,
	string i_Caption = null,
	string i_FileName = "photo.jpg",
	string i_PrivacyParameterValue = null
Visual Basic
Public Function PostPhoto ( _
	i_PhotoData As Byte(), _
	Optional i_Title As String = Nothing, _
	Optional i_Caption As String = Nothing, _
	Optional i_FileName As String = "photo.jpg", _
	Optional i_PrivacyParameterValue As String = Nothing _
) As Post
Visual C++
Post^ PostPhoto(
	array<unsigned char>^ i_PhotoData, 
	String^ i_Title = nullptr, 
	String^ i_Caption = nullptr, 
	String^ i_FileName = L"photo.jpg", 
	String^ i_PrivacyParameterValue = nullptr


Type: array<System..::..Byte>[]()[][]
an array pf bytes contanining the photo data
i_Title (Optional)
Type: System..::..String

[Missing <param name="i_Title"/> documentation for "M:FacebookWrapper.ObjectModel.User.PostPhoto(System.Byte[],System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"]

i_Caption (Optional)
Type: System..::..String

[Missing <param name="i_Caption"/> documentation for "M:FacebookWrapper.ObjectModel.User.PostPhoto(System.Byte[],System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"]

i_FileName (Optional)
Type: System..::..String

[Missing <param name="i_FileName"/> documentation for "M:FacebookWrapper.ObjectModel.User.PostPhoto(System.Byte[],System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"]

i_PrivacyParameterValue (Optional)
Type: System..::..String
a string representing the privacy parameter value.

Must be in the "{'value': 'CUSTOM|EVERYONE|SELF|ALL_FRIENDS|FRIEND_OF_FRIENDS', 'allow': '{friend-list-id1},{friend-list-id2},{friend-id1},{friend-id2}', 'deny': 'friend-list-id1,friend-list-id2,friend-id1,friend-id2'}

NOTE: allow/deny lists are only allowed when 'value' is set top 'CUSTOM'

described here:

Return Value

The newly created Postobject


You can post photos to a user's Wall on their behalf by issuing an HTTP POST request to PROFILE_ID/photos

.NET Framework Security

Permission Description

See Also