Post Class

Facebook API Wrapper

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An individual entry in a profile's feed as represented in the Graph API. The User, Page, Application and Group objects have feed connections containing post objects that represent their walls. In addition the User and Page objects have a connection named posts containing Posts made by the User and the Page respectively. The GraphApi reference page for this object: [!:]

Namespace: FacebookWrapper.ObjectModel
Assembly: FbGraphApiWrapper (in FbGraphApiWrapper.dll) Version: (


public class Post : PostedItem
Visual Basic
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class Post _
	Inherits PostedItem
Visual C++
public ref class Post : public PostedItem

.NET Framework Security

Permission Description
Querying without the read_stream permission will return only the public view of the data (i.e. data that can be see when the user is logged out).

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also