Function FFSnapShot


Function Reference


Makes a copy of the screen, window or area in memory.

FFSnapShot ( [Left [, Top [, Right [, Bottom [, NoSnapShot [, WindowHandle]]]]]] )



Left [optional] Left coordinate of SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Top [optional] Top coordinate of SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Right [optional] Right coordinate of SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Bottom [optional] Bottom coordinate of SnapShot area. Default is 0.
NoSnapShot [optional] SnapShot number. Determines which "slot" the SnapShot will be stored in.
WindowHandle [optional] The window handle to capture, if only interested in a particular window.


Return Value

Success: Returns 1
Failure: Returns 0 and sets @ERROR



NoSnapShot will default to the last slot written to by this function, or 0 if not previously set. The default SnapShot can be set separately with FFSetDefaultSnapShot.

WindowHandle will default to the last value used, or the whole screen if not previously set. The default window handle can be set separately with FFSetWnd.

If the area indicated is 0,0,0,0 then this will capture the entire window or screen.

If no SnapShot exists, many other FastFind functions will either fail or automatically take a SnapShot with the default values. SnapShots are an essential part of using FastFind, so it's important to use them correctly!

Warning: The use of this feature consumes memory. It takes about 1.8 MB of RAM to store a 800x600 area of the screen. Therefore, it is preferable to reuse the same SnapShot number each time. Nevertheless, it is possible to store up to 1024 SnapShots simultaneously.



FFSetDefaultSnapShot, FFSetWnd, FFGetPixel, FFNearestPixel, FFNearestSpot, FFBestSpot, FFSaveBMP, FFSaveJPG, FFIsDifferent, FFLocalizeChanges, FFKeepChanges, FFKeepColor, FFDrawSnapShot, FFSetPixel, FFDuplicateSnapShot



#include "FastFind.au3"

AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)

$FFhWnd = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]")

FFSnapShot(0, 0, 300, 150)
FFSaveBMP(@YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC, false)