Function FFNearestPixel


Function Reference


Searches a SnapShot for a pixel of the given color, closest to the given point.

FFNearestPixel ( PosX, PosY, Color [, ForceNewSnap [, Left [, Top [, Right [, Bottom [, NoSnapShot [, WindowHandle]]]]]]] )



PosX X coordinate of proximity position.
PosY Y coordinate of proximity position.
Color Colour value of pixel to find (in decimal or hex). -1 to use the FastFind color list.
ForceNewSnap [optional] If true, a new SnapShot will be made and the search will be done on that. Default is True.
Left [optional] Left coordinate of the new SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Top [optional] Top coordinate of the new SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Right [optional] Right coordinate of the new SnapShot area. Default is 0.
Bottom [optional] Bottom coordinate of the new SnapShot area. Default is 0.
NoSnapShot [optional] SnapShot number. Determines which "slot" the new SnapShot will be stored in.
WindowHandle [optional] Window handle to be used.


Return Value

Success: Returns a two-element array of pixel's coordinates. (Array[0] = x, Array[1] = y).
Failure: Returns 0 and sets @ERROR



This function works like PixelSearch, except that instead of returning the first pixel found, it returns the closest to a given position. Setting the Color parameter to -1 will cause the search to match on any color in the FastFind color list.

A new SnapShot will be saved in the default slot unless ForceNewSnap is set to false.



FFSnapShot, FFAddColor, FFAddExcludedArea, FFGetPixel, FFNearestSpot, FFBestSpot



#include "FastFind.au3"

$FFhWnd = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]")

Local $aCoords = FFNearestPixel(50, 20, 0x00FFFFFF, False)

If Not @error Then
    MsgBox(0, "Coords", $aCoords[0] & ", " & $aCoords[1])
    MsgBox(0, "Coords", "Match not found.")