Function FFGetPixel


Function Reference


Applies an AND filter on each pixels in the SnapShot.

FFApplyFilterOnSnapShot ( Red, Green, Blue [, NoSnapShot ] )



Red Filter to apply on the Red Chanel. Value are in [0, 255] range : 0 will completely remove the Red component on each pixel. 255 will not change the Red component.
Green Filter to apply on the Green Chanel. Value are in [0, 255] range : 0 will completely remove the Green component on each pixel. 255 will not change the Green component. 
Blue Filter to apply on the Blue Chanel. Value are in [0, 255] range : 0 will completely remove the Blue component on each pixel. 255 will not change the Blue component. 
NoSnapShot [optional] SnapShot number. Default is the most recent SnapShot taken.


Return Value

Success: Returns the color value of the pixel.
Failure: Returns -1 and sets @ERROR



You can use this function to lower color resolution (number of useful bits per pixel) : FFApplyFilterOnSnapShot ( 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0) for instance will keep only 12 bits / pixels instead of 24.
With FFDuplicateSnapShot, it can also split Red, Green and Blue components on different Snapshots. 



FFSnapShot, FFDuplicateSnapShot, FFSaveBMP, FFSaveJPG