Identity Row ID Column and Enable Row Locking


Identity Row ID Column and Enable Row Locking

The command is:

sdetable -o alter_reg -t hassdemaintainedrowid -c fid -C sde -L on -u t_user -p test

The output of the describe registration command (sdetable -o describe_reg) for this table is as follows.

NoteThe Row ID Column value is FID, the Row ID Column Type value is SDE Maintained, and the Row Lock value is Enable.
Table Owner            : T_USER
Table Name             : HASSDEMAINTAINEDROWID
Registration Id        : 18111
Row ID Column          : FID
Row ID Column Type     : SDE Maintained
Row ID Allocation      : Many
Row Lock               : Enable
Minimum Row ID         : 1
Dependent Objects      : None
Registration Date      : 02/24/05 13:08:02
Config. Keyword        : DEFAULTS
User Privileges        : SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE
Visibility             : Visible