How This Guide Is Organized
This guide consists of the following chapters and appendixes:
- Introduction, provides an overview of the FDO API and the function of FDO feature providers.
- FDO Concepts, describes the key data and operational concepts upon which FDO is constructed.
- Development Practices, discusses the best practices to follow when using FDO for application development.
- Establishing a Connection, describes how to establish a connection to an FDO provider.
- Capabilities, discusses the Capabilities API, which is used to determine the capabilities of a particular provider.
- Schema Management, describes how to create and work with schemas and presents the issues related to schema management.
- Data Maintenance, provides information about using the FDO API to maintain the data.
- Performing Queries, describes how to create and perform queries.
- Long Transaction Processing, discusses long transactions (LT) and how to implement LT processing in your application.
- Filter and Expression Languages, discusses the use of filter expressions to specify to an FDO provider how to identify a subset of the objects of an FDO data store.
- The Geometry API, discusses the various Geometry types and formats and describes how to work with the Geometry API to develop FDO-based applications.
- Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for Oracle.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for ArcSDE, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for ESRI® ArcSDE®.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for MySQL, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for MySQL.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for ODBC, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for ODBC.
- Autodesk FDO Provider for Raster, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for Raster.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for SDF, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for SDF.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for SHP, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for SHP (Shape).
- Autodesk FDO Provider for SQL Server, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for SQL Server.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for WFS, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for WFS.
- OSGeo FDO Provider for WMS, discusses development issues that apply when using FDO Provider for WMS.
- Expression Functions, outlines the signatures and implementation details for the enhanced expression functions.